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Lt. Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner was the son of a Confederate General who commanded American/Canadian forces during the Aluetians campaign during WWII. He later commanded the 10th Army during the battle for Okinawa, and became the highest-ranking American officer killed in battle during WWII. He was the architect of the first mass military airlift in history, (the Nome airlift).

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Q: Who was Lieutenant General Simon Bolivar Buckner Jr?
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When did Simon Bolivar Buckner die?

Mordecai Buckner died in 1787.

Who is the highest ranking serviceman killed in World War 2?

General Simon Bolivar Buckner

Who was the commander of the Alaskan Defense during World War 2?

General Simon Bolivar Buckner.

When did Confederate General Simon Bolivar Buckner graduate from West Point?

Confederate General Simon Bolivar graduated from West point in 1844. Among the 25 graduating cadets of that year, Bolivar ranked eleventh. Bolivar saw most of his action in the Western Theater. He fought under General Braxton Bragg at the Battle of Perryville.

What has the author Simon Bolivar Buckner written?

Simon Bolivar Buckner has written: 'Seven stars' -- subject(s): American Personal narratives, Campaigns, Diaries, Generals, Personal narratives, World War, 1939-1945

What happened to US Civil War General Simon Bolivar Buckner as the war began?

As the US Civil War unfolded, US Army officers had to make the choice to remain loyal to the US or side with the Confederacy. General Simon Bolivar Buckner had property in Kentucky and further north. He had been offered a high rank in the Union army but chose to side with the South. Buckner was vilified by the Northern press and all his property was confiscated because he chose to join the Rebel army.

What was Simon Bolivar's profession?

He was a general

When did General Grant capture Fort Donelson?

On Feb.16,1862, Fort Donelson fell when the Confederate Army under Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckner surrendered to Grant's Union Army.

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Simon Bolivar Buckner was born on 1823-04-01.

What country is named after a Venezuelan general?

Bolivia. Simon Bolivar helped in the independence from Spain.

Who was the highest rank officer in world war 2 to win the medal of honor?

Four Star General Simon Bolivar Buckner II Killed at Okinawa. The namesake of his father Simon Bolivar Buckner a g famous Confederate General and Governor of Kentucky.Oddlyenough the highest raking Army Air Corp general killed was Eighth Air Force General Nathan Bedford Forrest III was the great-grandson of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest. He was killed in 1943 during a B-17 raid over the submarine yards of Kiel, Germany.

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