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Omar Quintinilla

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Q: Who was Justinian's top general?
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Who was the top general of the union?

The top general for the Union was General Ulysses Grant.

What was justinians most important achievement?

The Justinian Code.

What were some of Justinians achievements?

Justinian code of laws

Who was our top general in the civil war?

In the end the top Union General was Ulysses S. Grant. The top confederate general was Robert E. Lee.

Why was justinians legacy important?

Because it made him very important.

Who was the power behind the throne during justinians reign?

his wife

What was Justinians's major goal during his reign?

To reunite the Roman Empire.

What was Justinians main goal during his reign?

to reunite the roman empire

What was justinians l mains goal?

Recapturing lost Roman lands