He was one of the first Black Americans to receice the coveted French military honor in World War I.
Henry Johnson - Louisiana - died on 1864-09-04.
She was born in New York in 1760, was a Loyalist, married a British Lieutenant Colonel Henry Johnson and was later knighted. She became Lady Johnson and had two sons. She died in 1823.
Chuck Connors was born April 10, 1921, in Brooklyn, NY, USA.
Tecumseh was slain at the battle of the Thames by Colonel Richard Johnson during a calvary charge.
3. Thomas JefferSON 4. James MadiSON 7. Andrew JackSON9. William Henry HarrisSON 17. Andrew JohnSON 23. Benjamin HarrisSON28. Woodrow WilSON 36. Lyndon JohnSON-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 presidents
Henry Johnson has written: 'Specification'
Henry U. Johnson was born in 1850.
Henry U. Johnson died in 1939.
Henry Lincoln Johnson was born in 1897.
Marc Henry Johnson is 6' 1".
Henry Johnson - Louisiana - died on 1864-09-04.
Frederick Henry Johnson died on 1917-11-26.
Frederick Henry Johnson was born on 1890-08-15.
Henry James Johnson was born on 1924-12-21.
Henry James Johnson died on 2008-07-20.
Henry Johnson - footballer - was born on 1897-11-19.
Henry Johnson - footballer - died on 1962-10-20.