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Caesar was involved with Egypt on several levels. He initially came to Egypt chasing after Pompey. Pompey, however was murdered by the Egyptian king Ptolemy XIII. Caesar decided to mediate between the Egyptian king, Ptolemy, and his exiled sister, Cleopatra. Now, this was not a humanitarian gesture by any means, on Caesar's part. Cleopatra and Ptolemy's father had borrowed heavily from Roman money lenders in order to regain his throne. (he had been usurped). Caesar and Pompey bought up the loan, Therefore, it was in Caesar's interests to have a stable Egypt, one which could repay the vast amount of money owed him. (Since Pompey was dead, the entire sum would have been owed to Caesar.) He was also involved in the Alexandrian war, in which the Alexandrians, who did not want a ruler imposed upon them by Rome, especially the unpopular Cleopatra, revolted. While he was in Egypt, Caesar also consulted with the Egyptian priests on restructuring the Roman calendar.

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Q: Who was Caesar involved with Egypt?
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Is the empress of Egypt the same person that was Caesar's lover?

Yes, but.... Egypt was not an empire at the time of Caesar so it had no empress. Egypt was a kingdom and had either a king or queen. In Caesar's time it was a queen.

Why did Julius Caesar kill pomepy?

Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.

Who was the Pharaoh of Egypt when Caesar was in rule?

Cleopatra VII, she even had a baby with Caesar.

Why did Julian Caesar move from rome to Egypt?

Julius Caesar traveled to Egypt to chase his enemy Pompey. Caesar fought Pompey in a civil war.Caesar was involved with Egypt on several levels. Most people focus on his relationship with Cleopatra and exclude his other Egyptian involvements. He did follow Pompey to Egypt, but not entirely to accept Pompey's surrender. Ptolemy XII, (Cleopatra's father) had been ousted from Egypt and wanted his throne back. In order to get it back he had to pay off many Romans to get their support and consequently ran up a massive debt to Roman money lenders. Caesar and Pompey bought up the debt, and with the death of Ptolemy XII, Caesar wanted to see about his money. He also consulted with the Egyptian astronomers on his restructuring of the calendar. He also had to fight the Alexandrian war after trouble with Ptolemy XIII.

Who lead the roman army to Egypt?

Initially, Julius Caesar led a small contingent into Egypt and after winning the Alexandrian war left some troops behind. In the final conquest of Egypt, it was Octavian who led the army.Initially, Julius Caesar led a small contingent into Egypt and after winning the Alexandrian war left some troops behind. In the final conquest of Egypt, it was Octavian who led the army.Initially, Julius Caesar led a small contingent into Egypt and after winning the Alexandrian war left some troops behind. In the final conquest of Egypt, it was Octavian who led the army.Initially, Julius Caesar led a small contingent into Egypt and after winning the Alexandrian war left some troops behind. In the final conquest of Egypt, it was Octavian who led the army.Initially, Julius Caesar led a small contingent into Egypt and after winning the Alexandrian war left some troops behind. In the final conquest of Egypt, it was Octavian who led the army.Initially, Julius Caesar led a small contingent into Egypt and after winning the Alexandrian war left some troops behind. In the final conquest of Egypt, it was Octavian who led the army.Initially, Julius Caesar led a small contingent into Egypt and after winning the Alexandrian war left some troops behind. In the final conquest of Egypt, it was Octavian who led the army.Initially, Julius Caesar led a small contingent into Egypt and after winning the Alexandrian war left some troops behind. In the final conquest of Egypt, it was Octavian who led the army.Initially, Julius Caesar led a small contingent into Egypt and after winning the Alexandrian war left some troops behind. In the final conquest of Egypt, it was Octavian who led the army.

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Who did Caesar defeat in Egypt?

Caesar defeated Ptolemy XIII, Cleopatra's brother/husband in Egypt.

Is the empress of Egypt the same person that was Caesar's lover?

Yes, but.... Egypt was not an empire at the time of Caesar so it had no empress. Egypt was a kingdom and had either a king or queen. In Caesar's time it was a queen.

Why is Cleopatras son called caeserion?

Caesarion is a Greek nickname, being variously translated as "little Caesar" or "son of Caesar". He was called that in Egypt because Cleopatra claimed that Caesar was his father.Caesarion is a Greek nickname, being variously translated as "little Caesar" or "son of Caesar". He was called that in Egypt because Cleopatra claimed that Caesar was his father.Caesarion is a Greek nickname, being variously translated as "little Caesar" or "son of Caesar". He was called that in Egypt because Cleopatra claimed that Caesar was his father.Caesarion is a Greek nickname, being variously translated as "little Caesar" or "son of Caesar". He was called that in Egypt because Cleopatra claimed that Caesar was his father.Caesarion is a Greek nickname, being variously translated as "little Caesar" or "son of Caesar". He was called that in Egypt because Cleopatra claimed that Caesar was his father.Caesarion is a Greek nickname, being variously translated as "little Caesar" or "son of Caesar". He was called that in Egypt because Cleopatra claimed that Caesar was his father.Caesarion is a Greek nickname, being variously translated as "little Caesar" or "son of Caesar". He was called that in Egypt because Cleopatra claimed that Caesar was his father.Caesarion is a Greek nickname, being variously translated as "little Caesar" or "son of Caesar". He was called that in Egypt because Cleopatra claimed that Caesar was his father.Caesarion is a Greek nickname, being variously translated as "little Caesar" or "son of Caesar". He was called that in Egypt because Cleopatra claimed that Caesar was his father.

Which queen of Egypt married Julius Caesar?

Cleopatra VII of Egypt did not marry Julius Caesar. They were lovers.

How did Julius Caesar get Egypt on his side?

Julius Caesar and Cleopatra VII of Egypt became allies and lovers.

Why did Julius Caesar kill pomepy?

Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.Julius Caesar did not kill Pompey. Although Caesar defeated Pompey at Pharsalus, Pompey escaped and headed to Egypt where he was murdered by the treachery of the Egyptians.

How was Cleopatra involved in Marc Antony war?

After Caesar died she married Marc Anthony and when they lost their bid for control of Egypt and Rome both committed suicide.

Who did caesars make queen of Egypt?

Who did caesar make queen of Egypt

How was the Province of Egypt treated by Julius Caesar?

First of all, Egypt was not a Roman province at the time of Julius Caesar. It was an independent kingdom. Egypt was under the protection of Rome, as stated in the late king's will. Caesar treated Egypt as a client kingdom of Rome, even after the Alexandrian War.

What was Cleopatras first achievement?

Cleopatra's first achievement, as far as we know, was securing the throne of Egypt. She did this with Julius Caesar's backing.Cleopatra's first achievement, as far as we know, was securing the throne of Egypt. She did this with Julius Caesar's backing.Cleopatra's first achievement, as far as we know, was securing the throne of Egypt. She did this with Julius Caesar's backing.Cleopatra's first achievement, as far as we know, was securing the throne of Egypt. She did this with Julius Caesar's backing.Cleopatra's first achievement, as far as we know, was securing the throne of Egypt. She did this with Julius Caesar's backing.Cleopatra's first achievement, as far as we know, was securing the throne of Egypt. She did this with Julius Caesar's backing.Cleopatra's first achievement, as far as we know, was securing the throne of Egypt. She did this with Julius Caesar's backing.Cleopatra's first achievement, as far as we know, was securing the throne of Egypt. She did this with Julius Caesar's backing.Cleopatra's first achievement, as far as we know, was securing the throne of Egypt. She did this with Julius Caesar's backing.

Who in Egypt fell in love with Caesar?

Cleopatra was supposed to have fallen in love with Caesar.

Who was the Pharaoh of Egypt when Caesar was in rule?

Cleopatra VII, she even had a baby with Caesar.