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Q: Who warned the people of boonesborough that the Indians were planning to attack?
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What would the people on the trail do if they encountered Indians?

Pioneers who found theselves under attack from the Indians (Native Americans) would ride their covered wagons towards one another. The caravan would then have all of the horses facing one another. This was called, "Circling the wagons," because it formed a circle. The livestock and people would be within the circle, taking cover from the Indians behind their wagons. They would then take out their weapons and attack in return. Today, whenever people are trying to get together to defend themselves from an attack by others, whether physical, verbal, or written, we say, "They are circling the wagons." This is where the expression originated. --Stephanie Louise Bender

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that do not attack people

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Indians as in Indians from India... It just depends. Some people are late, some people are not. They are not necessarily, "Indians are late."

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When you plan for people you tell them what they are going to do. When you plan with people you are working together with others to decide what to do.

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Most of the people dislike indians because of south indians. People around the globe reckon south indians have a weird lifestyle and their way of talking is also weird. That's why they don't like to talk to indians or even dislike indians.

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He called them Indians because he believed he was in India. At that time no one knew America existed and he was trying to find a faster way to Asia But, since America was the land he ran into instead of Asia he called the people Indians so it was a simple mistake.

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Yes, sharks will attack people whether they are white OR black. But sharks tend to attack white people more.

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Indians were the first people to live in Washington!!!!

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Yes Indians are good people unless they do something wrong.

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Indians and/or omahan Indians

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Daniel Boone Boone made his path through the Cumberland Gap in the Appalachian Mountains, from North Carolina and Tennessee, into Kentucky. Boone founded the village of Boonesborough Kentucky. Boonesborough (sometimes spelled, Boonesboro) was one of the first English speaking settlements west of the Appalachians. Before the end of the 18th century, more than 200,000 European people migrated to Kentucky/Virginia by following the route that Boone made.