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List of Caesar's assassins :

Gaius Cassius Longinus

Marcus Junius Brutus

Servius Sulpicius Galba

Quintus Ligarius

Lucius Minucius Basilus

Publius Servilius Casca Longus (brother of Gaius Servilius Casca)

Gaius Servilius Casca (brother of Publius Servilius Casca Longus and the one responsible for the first stab)

Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus

Lucius Tillius Cimber

Gaius Trebonius

Lucius Cassius Longinus (brother of Gaius Cassius Longinus)

Gaius Cassius Parmensis

Caecilius (brother of Bucolianus)

Bucolianus (brother of Caecilius)

Rubrius Ruga

Marcus Spurius

Publius Sextius Naso

Lucius Pontius Aquila


Decimus Turullius

Pacuvius Antistius Labeo

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many people loved Julius Cesar and loved how he ruled , but there were some men who were jealous and well you know the rest.

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Q: Who wanted to kill Caesar?
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In Julius Caesar Cassius believes he is Caesar's?

Cassius was not Caesar. Cassius wanted to kill Caesar for jealousy and some other issues.

Why did Caesar rivals feel they had to kill him?

He was too powerful and they wanted him removed.

Did the citizens of rome want to kill Caesar?

Some citizens of Rome wanted to kill Caesar and they succeeded. His assassins were all senators. However most of the other senators and the common people of Rome were pro-Caesar and were more than willing to let him rule for as long as he wanted.Some citizens of Rome wanted to kill Caesar and they succeeded. His assassins were all senators. However most of the other senators and the common people of Rome were pro-Caesar and were more than willing to let him rule for as long as he wanted.Some citizens of Rome wanted to kill Caesar and they succeeded. His assassins were all senators. However most of the other senators and the common people of Rome were pro-Caesar and were more than willing to let him rule for as long as he wanted.Some citizens of Rome wanted to kill Caesar and they succeeded. His assassins were all senators. However most of the other senators and the common people of Rome were pro-Caesar and were more than willing to let him rule for as long as he wanted.Some citizens of Rome wanted to kill Caesar and they succeeded. His assassins were all senators. However most of the other senators and the common people of Rome were pro-Caesar and were more than willing to let him rule for as long as he wanted.Some citizens of Rome wanted to kill Caesar and they succeeded. His assassins were all senators. However most of the other senators and the common people of Rome were pro-Caesar and were more than willing to let him rule for as long as he wanted.Some citizens of Rome wanted to kill Caesar and they succeeded. His assassins were all senators. However most of the other senators and the common people of Rome were pro-Caesar and were more than willing to let him rule for as long as he wanted.Some citizens of Rome wanted to kill Caesar and they succeeded. His assassins were all senators. However most of the other senators and the common people of Rome were pro-Caesar and were more than willing to let him rule for as long as he wanted.Some citizens of Rome wanted to kill Caesar and they succeeded. His assassins were all senators. However most of the other senators and the common people of Rome were pro-Caesar and were more than willing to let him rule for as long as he wanted.

Who wanted Julius Caesar dead?

Several members of the senate wanted Julius dead and they formed a coalition to kill him, as they thought that assassination was the only way to save the republic from Caesar's absolute power.

Did Caesar know that Brutus wanted to kill him?

No, if he had known he wouldn't have let Brutus near him with a knife.

Who does Cassius want to kill that Brutus want to spare?

Cassius also wanted to kill Marc Antony, Caesar's closest ally.

Why did they plot to kill Julius Caesar?

Caesar wanted to be a military dictator for life. Rome had been a republic before he seized power by "crossing the Rubicon ".

What event convinces Brutus not to kill Caesar?

Brutus does kill Caesar.

Why did Brutus kill himself in Julius Caesar?

Brutus did not want to be known as a loser, the people hated him for killing caesar after Atony spoke to them. Back then killing yourself was and honorable way to die to Brutus died an honorable deathwhile using the same sword that was used to kill caesar

What motivated brutus to kill Julius Caesar?

Many of the men who helped kill Caesar only did so because of envy or they wanted power but Brutus was the only one to be motivated because of how he thought that if he gave Caesar a little more time to think Caesar would become king and destroy the republic as they worked so hard to get

How did they kill Caesar?

Caesar was stabbed to death.

Why would they want to kill Caesar?

Because the the senators of Rome believed he wanted to become a king. If he did the, senators would not have any power.