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william penn

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Q: Who wanted to explore the New World?
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What was the cause of the new world?

The New World was started because Europeans wanted to start new colonies and explore the new land.

Why did ponce de leon decide to explore the new world?

he wanted money

Why did Vasco Núñez de Balboa explore?

because he wanted to find a new world

The portuguese wanted to explore the world because they?

wanted to rule the world

Why did explorers come the new world?

Explorers came to the new world because they wanted to explore the new land. They were also called mountain men...........i think:)

What made Europeans eager to explore the world?

they wanted to explore land?

Why did the settlers go to?

They wanted to explore the new colony.

Why did Europeans want to explore the world in the 1400s-1500s?

Europeans wanted to explore the world so that they could gain wealth

Why did explorers come to the new world?

Explorers came to the new world because they wanted to explore the new land. They were also called mountain men...........i think:)

Why did lief eriksson explore?

he wanted to find new land

Why did Vespucci explore?

he explored because he wanted to discover the world

Why did ferdiand Magellan want to be an explorer?

He wanted to explore the world