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Q: Who wanted strong central government Apex?
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What statement was true of the Whig party in 1824?

It wanted a strong national government - apex

What important Federalist idea is expressed in this excerpt from the Federalist Papers?

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Which of theses did Thomas Jefferson consider most important in the new republic?

A less powerful central government Representative government - APEX

What describes the philosophical differences between the Federalists and Republicans as of 1800?

Federalists supported a flexible interpretation of the Constitution, a strong central government, and military buildup funded by taxes; Republicans supported a strict interpretation of the Constitution, states' rights, and a smaller federal budget. -- APEX ~APEX~ Republicans favored states' rights, while Federalists wanted a strong executive branch. Federalists wanted a loose interpretation of the Constitution, while Republicans wanted a strict one.Federalists wanted a loose interpretation of the Constitution, while Republicans wanted a strict one. Republicans favored states' rights, while Federalists wanted a strong executive branch

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Napoleon's had a stronger central government.(apex)

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it prevents a single national government from holding all of country's power.

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Senators who wanted less government

What of the following did Populists support?

They wanted the government to create a graduated income tax. (APEX)

How was Napoleon's Bonaparte's government different from the government under the Directory?

Napoleon's had a stronger central government.(apex)

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Senators who wanted less government-apex

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A weak central government with most of the power at the state and local levels

What group wanted me people to choose their own system of government?

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