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Jesus' followers did not want him to be crucified.

Jesus, himself, did not entirely want to be crucified, but he saw the necessity of it and allowed himself to endure the pain for the greater good.

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The Jewish High Priest and his followers wanted Jesus crucified.

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Dominick DiPietro

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Q: Who wanted Jesus crucified the Romans or the Jews?
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What did the Romans do to Jesus?

They crucified him. They were told (by the Jews) that he was a leader of an anti-Roman rebellion. He was called "The King of Jews" - and in the Roman empire, kings were not allowed.

Why did the sign on Jesus' cross offend Jews?

Because it read 'King of the Jews'. The Pharisees (Jewish priests who had Jesus crucified) wanted it changed to "I say I am the king of the Jews" but Pilate would not.

How did the Romans treat Jesus?

The Romans treated Jesus very cruely and unfairly. They crucified him. They were told (by the Jews) that he was a leader of an anti-Roman rebellion. He was called "The King of Jews" - and in the Roman empire, kings were not allowed.

Did the men that were crucified alongside Jesus have their legs broken?

AnswerIt was Roman practice to break the legs of those who had been crucified, if they wished to bring on an earlier death. Since the gospels say that the crucifixions took place just before the start of the Passover, the Jews would have wanted the bodies to be taken down before sunset. The Romans acquesced to this religious request, and broke the legs of the two men crucified with Jesus. However, John's Gospel treated the crucifixion of Jesus in some ways as an allegory for the Paschal lamb sacrificed by the Jews at Passover. The lamb had to be perfect, with no broken bones, so John says that the Romans, instead, speared Jesus in the side.

Why is it important to know that Jesus was not killed by the Jews?

Jesus was crucified by the Jews with the permission of the Roman government. But, through our constant denial of Him we also crucified Him.Answer:The Pope himself says that the Jews did not kill Jesus. See the attached Related Link.

Have the Jews ever said sorry for the Crucifying of Jesus?

It was not the Jews that crucified Jesus ,it was the Romans,because Jesus was a Jew.

What roman law did Jesus break to warrant being crucified?

Supposedly it was because either he, or his followers claimed that he was the " King of the Jews " a crime that went against the rule of the Romans

Did the Jews crucify Jesus?

No the Romans did. The Jews did not directly crucify Jesus , but they demanded that the Romans who were their rulers and Pilate the Governer gave the order to crucify Jesus.

Are Jews murderer of Jesus Christ?

Technically the Romans crucified him. Some Jews pushed for the crucifixion, some opposed it. "Jews" is a pretty big category. It's kind of like asking whether white Americans are the murderers of Medgar Evans.

Were the criminals who were crucified with Jesus Jews or gentiles?

The records do not say but they most likely would be Jews.

When Jesus is crucified the sign over his head reads?

King of the Jews.

What does the plaque over Jesus' head say?

The plaque over Jesus' head on the cross is commonly depicted with the Latin inscription "INRI," which stands for "Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum," meaning "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." This plaque was likely placed there by the Romans to signify the crime for which Jesus was being crucified.