The native Aboriginal population used spears, I think this is still practiced on some native title land, but is no longer prevalent.
The woomera, or spear-thrower, was used to help the indigenous Australians throw their spears further, and with greater accuracy.
The woomera is an Australian aboriginal "throwing stick", designed to help the indigenous people of Australia to throw their spears further.
Spears were an indigenous weapon of the people of ancient Egypt, meaning that they always had them from their earliest known history - so spears were not introduced. A specific type of sword, a type of bow, a type of axe and the chariot were introducedweapons.
Traditional Aboriginal weapons used by indigenous communities in Australia include boomerangs, spears, woomeras (spear throwers), and nulla nullas (clubs). These weapons were historically used for hunting and warfare.
The mayans used their spears for hunting animals . Also they used their spears for fighting in war.
1 of the uses of spears is for hunting for food 2 is for defense in wars 3 is for weapons 4 is for
The indigenous Australians used spears and nulla nullas to kill possums.
The woomera, or spear-thrower, was used to help the indigenous Australians throw their spears further, and with greater accuracy.
The woomera was made in Australia by the indigenous people. The woomera is an Australian aboriginal "throwing stick", designed to help the indigenous people of Australia to throw their spears further.
The woomera is an Australian aboriginal "throwing stick", designed to help the indigenous people of Australia to throw their spears further.
A thunderbolt is a flash of lightning. Zeus uses them as spears or to burn.
the woomera people from northen territory still use spears today for hunting large animales and fish.
There is a lot of people that uses tobacco but the 1st person that comes to mind is Britney Spears
They use boomerang and womera and all sorts of stuff
Spears were an indigenous weapon of the people of ancient Egypt, meaning that they always had them from their earliest known history - so spears were not introduced. A specific type of sword, a type of bow, a type of axe and the chariot were introducedweapons.
It is called a trident, and Poseidon uses it as one of his symbols of power.
A hunting knife, which he uses to make several wooden spears.