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Guerrilla tactics

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Q: Who used unexpected maneuvers like sabotage and subterfuge to fight the enemy?
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What does sabatage mean?

It's SABOTAGE. It means to deliberately disrupt or destroy something, especially during war. It also refers to the action itself. Here are a couple of example sentences.The enemy troops sabotaged our food supplies.He constructed industrial sabotage to make sure the other company wouldn't be able to compete with them.

What are guerrillas?

AnswerOperations carried on by independent or semi-independent forces in the rear of the enemy; these operations usually are conducted by irregular forces acting either separately from, or in conjunction with, regular forces but may at times be conducted entirely with regular troops.

What was one of the tactics of Stonewall Jackson?

Confederate Stonewall Jackson was one of the most successful generals in the US Civil War. He was killed by friendly fire at Chancellorsville. One of his famous quotes on warfare and overall battle tactics was the following: His goal was " mystify, mislead and surprise the enemy"This he did so many times.

Why was it important that the union held onto the high ground in gettysburg?

Holding the high ground usually give the tactical advantage to the force which holds the heights. It means the defender has a vantage point from which to see the enemy approaching and can prepare for action. The enemy has to advance in the clear and attack uphill, giving the defender the choice of when and where to concentrate fire. The defender can shift forces and resupply along interior lines without exposing themselves to the enemy and possibly disguise their numbers to bring about an unexpected, overwhelming force at the point of the enemy attack. In a well defended position, a small number of defenders can sometimes successfully hold out against a numerically superior force.

Who was the enemy at gallipoli?

The enemy were the Ottoman Turks.

Related questions

How can you use sabotage in a sentence?

You can not sabotage my house. It is made of steel!

Can you get a purple heart if you are not wounded by an enemy during time of war but wounded during training maneuvers?

No. The wound must be caused by enemy action. Accidents in training do not count.

What is The purpose of security as a principle of war?

Prevent an enemy from acquiring an unexpected advantage.

What is to sabotage?

n.Destruction of property or obstruction of normal operations, as by civilians or enemy agents in time of war.Treacherous action to defeat or hinder a cause or an endeavor; deliberate, -taged, -tag·ing, -tag·es.To commit sabotage against.

What is the dictionary definition of the word subterfuge?

Taken from the Merriam-Webster dictionary, subterfuge is "deception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal, escape, or evade; a deceptive device or stratagem." A stratagem, of course, is an "artifice or trick in war for deceiving and outwitting the enemy; a cleverly contrived trick or scheme for gaining an end."

Could the assassination of foreign government officials be called sabotage or guerrilla warfare?

Assassination could be (and has sometimes been) an element of guerrilla warfare, but it cannot correctly be called sabotage. The word sabotage implies damaging or destroying enemy equipment and materiel. An assassin takes a human life, whereas a saboteur destroys nonliving resources.

What mean this words''insinuate''?

1. It means to imply or to suggest something, usually something derogatory. 2. It also means to penetrate by subterfuge, as in "The spy insinuated himself into the upper echelons of the enemy's government."

Why would the navy need to use force recon maneuvers?

Recon maneuvers are for exploring beyond the area occupied by friendly forces to gain vital information. The main reason the Navy would use this force include to survey terrain, focus on enemy forces, and focus on civil dimension of the battleship.

What is the combat action that occurs when a moving element engages a stationary or moving enemy at an unexpected time and place?

meeting engagement

What is the irony in the poem the wind your enemy?

The irony in the poem "The Wind, Your Enemy" lies in the fact that the wind, typically associated with freedom and exhilaration, is portrayed as an enemy. This unexpected portrayal challenges the reader's preconceived notions about the wind and forces a reconsideration of its role in the poem.

What does sabatage mean?

It's SABOTAGE. It means to deliberately disrupt or destroy something, especially during war. It also refers to the action itself. Here are a couple of example sentences.The enemy troops sabotaged our food supplies.He constructed industrial sabotage to make sure the other company wouldn't be able to compete with them.

How can the word subverted be used in a sentence?

Subversive is a word used to describe someone who is a troublemaker. He was much more subversive when he is drinking alcohol.