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Mr. Van Pel used to be in the meat, sausage and spice business.

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Q: Who used to be in the meat sausage and spice business in The Diary of Anne Frank?
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Related questions

What was Mr. Frank's business?

Mr. Frank was the head of the Dutch division of Opekta/Pectacon, a company that made pectin for jam making, packaged gravies, and spice mixes for use in sausage making.

What type of business did Otto Frank own?

Otto Frank owned a spice factory in Frankfurt, Germany.

Anne Frank moved to the Netherlands why?

As her Dad decided to start a spice business there.

What spice is contained in the sausage called el chorizo?


Did Mr Frank own a spice factory?

Yes he did, he owned a the spice factory where the Frank family hid during the Nazi regime until their capture.

Where did Miep Gies find her diary?

On the counter in the spice shop.

What was the secret annex used for before World War 2?

The secret annex in Amsterdam was used as office and warehouse space for Otto Frank's spice and pectin business.

Who is Kraler in the diary of Anne Frank?

He is the person who helps the Van Daan's and the Frank's and Mr. Dussel into safety. He gets blackmailed by one of his employees and also gets found out by Nazi leaders (Gestapo)acually he is the one that helps hide the Van Pells and the Franks and Mr. Fritze Feiffer. The characters you are thiinking of is either form the play "the Dairy of Anne Frank," The book "Dairy of a young girl". She changed the names to protect the identities of the occuants of the Annex. (:he is also one of the many people who remembered anne frank cha cha un yuksies et magadoba

What did the factory that Anne Frank lived on top of do?

The factory that Anne Frank lived on top of produced pectin, a substance used to make jam and jelly. It was a business owned by Otto Frank's friend, Otto's father, and other partners. The factory also served as a refuge for the Frank family during their time in hiding.

What was the name of otto franks business partner?

otto worked in a bank in Germany but in holand he made jam

What did Anne Frank's parents do?

Dad made spice and jam mom I think was a housewife

What is the setting of the Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank?

Amsterdam in the Netherlands (Holland) where Anne Frank and her family hid in the attic until they were discovered by the Germans who occupied Holland during WWII. They were hiding because they were Jews, who were hated by most of the Germans. Everyone hiding in the attic was sent to the concentration camps, and they all died except for Anne Frank's father, Otto, who had his daughter's diary published after the end of the war.The setting is in the Nether Lands . In the attic.the secret annexe, an attic above her fathers' spice companyShe wrote the diaries both in her home and in the attic of her uncle's store.