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Q: Who tried to warn the Greeks that Philip was a threat to their independence?
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The Greek orator tried to warn the Greeks that Philip was a threat to their independence.?

Demosthenes was the famous Athenian orator and statesman who tried to warn Athenians of the threat that Philip II of Macedon posed to Athenian independence and Athenian dominance over the rest of Greece. Living from 384-322 BC (or, BCE), he later participated as a leader in the Athenian revolt against Philip's son, Alexander the Great in order to reclaim leadership of the Greek states.

Which public speaker said that the macedonian king Philip was considered a threat to greek freedom?

Demosthenes of Athens warned the Athenians not the other Greeks. He was protecting Athenian interests and their hegemony over Greece because Macedonia wanted to lead the Greeks. Demosthenes harbored a personal grudge against Philip because of the humiliation he suffered when he lost his power of speech at the Macedonian court (Aischines, On the Embassy 35), Demosthenes called Philip a barbarian but he would call anyone he did not like a barbarian to insult them, including fellow Athenians (Dem. 21.150) much like someone today being labelled as "un-American".

Who tried to warn about the Athenians about the threat posed by Philip II?

An athenian orator named Demosthenes warned Athens and Greece about Philip through a series of orations known as the "Philippics"

What did the demosthenes want the greek city-states to do to the macedonians?

Demosthenes was an Athenian lawyer and public speaker who opposed Philip. He warned the Athenians that Philip was a threat to Greek freedom. he urged all the city-states to join together to fight the Macedonians. The Greeks followed his advice and tried to unite, but it was too late. The Athenians joined with Thebes and a few other city-states. They battle Philip's army, but they were defeated.

What did Demosthenes want the Greek city-states to do about the Macedonians?

Demosthenes was an Athenian lawyer and public speaker who opposed Philip. He warned the Athenians that Philip was a threat to Greek freedom. he urged all the city-states to join together to fight the Macedonians. The Greeks followed his advice and tried to unite, but it was too late. The Athenians joined with Thebes and a few other city-states. They battle Philip's army, but they were defeated.

Who thought that phillip 2 was dangerous to greece what did he try to get the athenians to do?

Demosthenes, an Athenian statesman, considered Philip II of Macedonia as a threat to Greece. He tried to convince the Athenians to unite with other Greek city-states and stop Philip from expanding his power and influence in the region.

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Basically the greeks themselves, Persians, romans, goths, and that's about it.

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I think it was how he tried to get other colonist to declare independence.

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Mostly as a threat. They tried moving the people away to stop it, but it only spread.

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