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The soldiers were very hurt and wounded most died at first. The soldiers were very hurt and wounded most died at first. The soldiers were very hurt and wounded most died at first.

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Q: Who treated the wounded in WW1?
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How were wounded soldiers treated in ww1?

they had surgery in the battlefield

Who is a wounded soldier that got wounded in ww1?

learn how to talk caise im da besst speler everr Pathetic...and learn to spell.....Many thousands were wounded in WW1

What happened to allied wounded in World War 1?

In ww1, soldiers were treated as best as they could be. If they were too injured to continue contributing in the war, then they were sent home.

How many wounded soldiers of ww1?

100,00 not ]science!

How many German soldiers were wounded in ww1?

4,247,143 German soldiers were wounded in battle during the Great War.

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It was a medicine that treated soldiers that were wounded.It was a medicine that treated soldiers that were wounded.

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Why was a wounded soldier used in posters in ww1?

A wounded soldier could be used to evoke sympathy or rage, to not want the soldier's suffering to be in vain or to extract revenge for his suffering.