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The unequal treaties you're referring to sound like the "Harris treaty", actually called the Treaty of Amity and Commerce (日米修好通商条約 Nichibei Shuukoh Tsuushoh Johyaku), and if that's the one you mean, it really won't be possible to pin down one translator as it was a group thing that took a couple of years to finally finish.

Basically, the Gaikoku bugyoh (外国奉行) was an old-school kind of foreign affairs ministry, which was created just before the negotiations started that would lead to the Harris treaty. There aren't a lot of records about exactly who was in it, and what their specific duties were (so no way to pin down who translated), but the Daimyo who organized and led the Gaikoku Bugyoh was Hotta Masayoshi.

For the record, the unequal treaty is called the Harris treaty because it was negotiated by Townsend Harris, not Commodore Perry, so technically no one translated for him for the unequal treaty.

If you're referring to the first treaty though, (the Kanagawa Treaty/神奈川条約/ Kanagawa Johyaku), which was negotiated by Perry, then the primary contact for the whole thing was named Hayashi Akira.

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Q: Who translated Japanese for the Unequal Treaties for Commodore Perry?
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Who influenced Japan?

Japan was hugely influenced by the Western forces, they were one of the world's weakest econmic powers before the Westerners invaded. After Japan isolated itself from the Western world because of the Christian invasion, Comodore Perry, an American, forced Japan's gates open with the threat of war. There was of course resistance by the people of Japan, but basically the Japanese were entered into 'unequal treaties' with the Westerners, they took advantage of Japan. The only way out of these treaties was for the Japanese to modernise, to become equal to the Westerners, hense ending the 'unequal treaties.' This was the beginning of a huge econimic and cultural change for Japan. Japan was hugely influenced by the Western forces, they were one of the world's weakest econmic powers before the Westerners invaded. After Japan isolated itself from the Western world because of the Christian invasion, Comodore Perry, an American, forced Japan's gates open with the threat of war. There was of course resistance by the people of Japan, but basically the Japanese were entered into 'unequal treaties' with the Westerners, they took advantage of Japan. The only way out of these treaties was for the Japanese to modernise, to become equal to the Westerners, hense ending the 'unequal treaties.' This was the beginning of a huge econimic and cultural change for Japan.

Treaties signed under threat of force were known as?

Unequal treaties are signed when there is a threat of force. They were also signed by the Qing Dynasty of China after suffering military defeat.

How was china affected by the unequal treaties of treaties of the 1850s and 1860s?

The unequal treaties of the 1850's and 1860's actually benefited China because the treaties called for trade to be established with China and other Asian countries. The trade with Asia accelerated, but then started to dwindle just before World War I.

In what ways did Great Britain benefit from the unequal treaties?

Under the 'unequal treaties' China had to cede the island of Hong Kong to Great Britain, opened five treaty ports to Western trade, paid nine million dollars to the effected, limited tariffs to five percent. The most important was that the Western merchants were now to follow laws of their mother countries instead of China.

What country did Japan annex as a colony in 1910?

Over the course of several unequal treaties signed in 1905, 1907, and 1910 respectively, the Korean Empire was made a protectorate and then was officially annexed into the Japanese Empire. The Korean peninsula was then ruled as a colony of the Japanese Empire until 1945.The territory of Taiwan was also at one time controlled as a colony of the Japanese Empire. The island was annexed in 1895 following the First Sino-Japanese War. Like Korea, Taiwan was released from Japanese control in 1945 and is currently claimed by both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China, also known as the Chinese Taipei.

Related questions

What were treaties signed under threat of force known as?

The treaties that were signed under threat of force are known as unequal treaties. Unequal treaties are also agreements made under pressure.

Who influenced Japan?

Japan was hugely influenced by the Western forces, they were one of the world's weakest econmic powers before the Westerners invaded. After Japan isolated itself from the Western world because of the Christian invasion, Comodore Perry, an American, forced Japan's gates open with the threat of war. There was of course resistance by the people of Japan, but basically the Japanese were entered into 'unequal treaties' with the Westerners, they took advantage of Japan. The only way out of these treaties was for the Japanese to modernise, to become equal to the Westerners, hense ending the 'unequal treaties.' This was the beginning of a huge econimic and cultural change for Japan. Japan was hugely influenced by the Western forces, they were one of the world's weakest econmic powers before the Westerners invaded. After Japan isolated itself from the Western world because of the Christian invasion, Comodore Perry, an American, forced Japan's gates open with the threat of war. There was of course resistance by the people of Japan, but basically the Japanese were entered into 'unequal treaties' with the Westerners, they took advantage of Japan. The only way out of these treaties was for the Japanese to modernise, to become equal to the Westerners, hense ending the 'unequal treaties.' This was the beginning of a huge econimic and cultural change for Japan.

Why were the so-called uneqal treaties considered so unfair to china?

The unequal treaties were considered unfair to China because they were forced upon the country by Western powers, exploiting China's weakened state to extract concessions that favored the foreign powers. These treaties often granted extraterritorial rights to foreigners, imposed unequal tariffs, and allowed foreign control of Chinese territory, undermining China's sovereignty and national pride.

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The Treaty of Nanking was the first of the unequal treaties that were signed between China and the Western powers.?


Was the Treaty of Nanking the first of the unequal treaties that were signed between China and the Western powers?


The Treaty of Nanking was the first of the unequal treaties that were signed between China and the Western powers?


Treaties signed under threat of force were known as?

Unequal treaties are signed when there is a threat of force. They were also signed by the Qing Dynasty of China after suffering military defeat.

True or false The Treaty of Nanking was the first of the unequal treaties that were signed between China and the Western powers?


How was china affected by the unequal treaties of treaties of the 1850s and 1860s?

The unequal treaties of the 1850's and 1860's actually benefited China because the treaties called for trade to be established with China and other Asian countries. The trade with Asia accelerated, but then started to dwindle just before World War I.

Who benefit from the unequal treaties imposed upon china?

The countries who imposed them. i.e. Britain, Japan, France, US, etc.

1Compare and contrast the Chinese perception of humiliation at the time of the Opium Wars and in the 21st century caused by the Unequal Treaties?

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