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colonists living in america

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Q: Who took over the Indians land?
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What are Cherokee Indians mixed with after the Europeans took over their land?

They became mestizos.

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American settlers took their land.

How were American Indians affected by the US?

We killed them. Then we took their land.

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Did Miami Indians fight the Americans?

American settlers took their land

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they were fighting over land.

Are there any plains Indians alive today?

no. ever since the white men took over thier land they scattered and just became real people

Why did the Miami Indians fight the Americans?

American settlers took their land

How did spanish come to the Americas?

The spanish did acually own America after the whites fought off the Indians then the whites and spanish fought over America . The whites won and took over American land.

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The Australians took the aborigines land for the same reasons the U.S. took over the native American's land. They wanted it.

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VIKINGS took over land controlled by Slavs

How did American Indians attitudes about land use change after the europeans arrived?

They already had rivalries over land and resources