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The Monroe Doctrine from President Monroe, the fifth president of the US.

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Q: Who told the European countries to stay out of the Americas?
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What countries were told to stay away from taking over spanish territories in the Monroe Doctrine in 1823?

The Monroe Doctrine essentially told European powers to stay out of the Western Hemisphere entirely.

Who told Europe stay out of the Americas?

President Monroe.

Why did President Monroe feel the need for the doctrine?

To tell European countries to leave the Americas alone(APEX)

Document warned Europe to stay in western hemisphere?

There was a document that warned Europe to stay out of the Americas, however, not to stay in.This document was the Monroe Doctrine; it told Europe to leave the Americas to the United States.

What political statement that told eauropean powers to stay out of this hemisphere?

The Monroe Doctrine was a political statement issued by President James Monroe in 1823, warning European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere. It stated that any attempt by European nations to colonize or exert control over countries in the Americas would be seen as a threat to the United States.

What did Jefferson tell Congress in 1803 would help the US stay out of the affairs of European countries?

In 1803, Jefferson told Congress the Atlantic Ocean would help the US stay out of the affairs of European countries. However, he did reluctantly draft a document of support.

What proclamation essentially told the Europeans that the US would stay out of Europe's business if Europe would stay out of the affairs of the Americas?

The Monroe Doctrine.

What is the document called which told Europe to stay out of the Americas?

The Monroe Doctrine told Europe to stop trying to create new colonies in the Western Hemisphere.

When did the vikings invade the Americas?

when there moms told them to

What proclamation told the Europeans that the US would stay out of Europe's business if Europe would stay out of affairs of the Americas?

It's one of these The Emancipation Proclamation The Treaty of Ghent Manifest Destiny The Monroe Doctrine The Emancipation Proclamation

Do we still have the government that the founding fathers gave us?

Jan Vavra told in Czech radio 08-15-2017 that democracy in East European countries might have reached its limits and must be reformed. I am telling that it is not a problem of only East European countries.

What policy arose out of changes in Latin America that told countries to stay colonizing the America's?

Wow this is from the take home test and good neighbor