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It was Archimedes, the Greek mathematician, who discovered what is known as 'Archimedes Principal', that states that 'an object submerged in a liquid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.'

This principle illustrates that the reason an object floats or sinks depends on the amount of water that it displaces. That is why a huge ship can float even though it is heavy, as it's shape is such that it displaces a huge amount of water.

Archimedes discovered this principle when he was in the bath, and is reported to have been so excited by the insight, that he forgot to dress, and ran onto the street exclaiming, 'Eureka', meaning in Greek, 'I have found it'.

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Q: Who thought of water displacement and yelled eureka?
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What is the relationship between the weight of a viking boat and the water displacement?

the more weight, the more water displacement.

Who is the famous scientist who discovered water displacement?


Water is water displacement method?

The water displacement method is used to find the volume of an irregularly shaped object. This method was discovered by Archimedes in Ancient Greece, while he was taking a bath. He was so excited at his discovery that he ran through the streets of Athens naked, shouting Eureka!-Start with a known volume of water. It is easiest to use a graduated cylinder or beaker, as they have volume measurements along the side. Record that volume.-Add the solid object. Measure the new volume in the beaker.-Subtract the two volumes, to get the amount of water displaced. This is the volume of the solid object.If you are talking about water displacement to measure the volume of an object, you would use a graduated cylinder, if the object was small enough, and put water into the graduated cylinder, then you put the object in and however much the water rises, usually mm, that is the volume of the objectHope this helped!

You would use the method of water displacement to find what?

I believe you can use it to tell if gold is solid, or anything you would wan't to know the density of, for that matter

How Archimedes discovered the density?

Archimedes discovered density by sitting in a bath full of water, and realized the water that spilled out was how much space he took up in the bath. How many liters that spilled out was how many liters Archimedes took up in the world. As legend has it, when he found this out he ran into the street - naked - shouting "Eureka!" which means, in Greek, "I've found it!" He was shouting "Eureka" because the king asked him to find out if his crown was all gold or did the goldsmith take some gold and used silver instead.

Related questions

What is the name of the scientist who yelled eureka?

The scientist who yelled "Eureka" was Archimedes, a Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, and astronomer. This exclamation reportedly occurred when he discovered the principle of buoyancy while taking a bath.

How do you measure 3 water balloons in water?

Using the eureka can or the water displacement method.

What is the name of the scientist that cried eureka when he obseved water displacement?


What is another name for displacement can?

Another name for displacement can is overload can. They are used to measure the volume of a solid object by submerging it in water and measuring the volume of water displaced.

Did Archimedes discover perimeter?

No. The answer to this multiple-choice question is that he discovered "displacement", famously seeing water spill out of his filled bathtub when he got into it. ("Eureka!")

What scientist shouted eureka whilst taking a bath?

Archimedes is the scientist who shouted "Eureka" while taking a bath. He made this exclamation when he discovered a method for determining the volume of an irregular object using water displacement.

Why did Albert Einstein say eureka?

Albert Einstein did not say "eureka." This phrase is commonly associated with the Greek mathematician Archimedes, who reportedly exclaimed it upon discovering a method to determine the purity of a gold object.

How do you measure the volume of a piece of metal?

You'd use a "Eureka can!" If you fill a cup or special container completely full and submerge the object you want to measure in the water then water will be displaced by the object. If you collect the water and measure it in a measuring cylinder then you will have the volume of water displaced, which will be exactly the volume of the object. The "Eureka can!" is named because of Archimedes discovery or displacement and density which allegedly caused him to run naked down the street shouting "Eureka" in celebration.

What did Archimedes find out in a bath tub?

Archimedes discovered volume displacement when he was in the bath tub because the weight of an object makes the water rise.But the volume of the water was constant.He then ran outside on the streets screaming,EUREKA!...naked

How can a large ship float even though it has too much mass?

Displacement. The ship may weigh a lot, but it displaces its mass in water. It should not sink if designed right. Say Eureka.

Why is an Eureka can called an Eureka can?

a eureka can is called eureka because many years ago Archimedes was in the bath and he found that when he got in the water rose this is because he took up space in the tub he then said eureka that is why.

What is upward displacement and downward displacement of water?

Upward displacement of water occurs when an object is placed in water, causing the water level to rise. Downward displacement of water occurs when an object is submerged into water, causing the water level to drop.