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Q: Who taught the mycenaeans to navigate using the sun and stars?
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Who taught the Mycenaean's to navigate using the sun and stars?

The minoans

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they where used to navigate using sun and stars :)

What was the main method of mapping in the US before the 1940's?

Using the stars to navigate

How do ships navigate?

Modern ships navigate by use of GPS units and computers. In past times, mariners used visual aids like a sextant to navigate using the stars and sun.

What are four ways that Polynesians were probably able to navigate the Pacific?

Using the sun moon and stars

What is coastal and celestial navigation?

The old sailors went hugging the coast line. Using the stars to navigate is called celestial navigation.

What would happen if maps didn't exist?

People would navigate using celestial events like the stars or setting sun.

How did people use seven stars of matariki to navigate?

In some Polynesian cultures, the seven stars of Matariki were used as navigation aids for voyaging. By observing the position and alignment of these stars, navigators could determine their latitude and direction while at sea. They would use this knowledge in conjunction with other navigation techniques such as reading wave patterns, bird behavior, and cloud formations to navigate across the vast oceans.

It is theorized that early Polynesian sailors were able to navigate vast regions of the Pacific by at least what three means?

By Using the sun, moon and stars

How do you know the time using stars?

Look at the position of the stars. See what degree they are at and you'll know the time. That's how ships used to navigate. The position of the stars will allow a knowledgable observer to tell the time. The observable stars depends on location and time of the year.

What is a sentence using the word navigate?

Will you navigate me to the Chinese bus

How do sea vessels determine their location?

They now use GPS just like in your car. If there GPS goes out, they have to navigate by a compass and dead rekconing, using the sun and stars with clock, maps and sextent.