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yes it was harald hardrada's army and tostig

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Q: Who supports harald hardrada at the stamford bridge was it tostig?
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Why did Harald Hardrada invade at Stamford Bridge?

because he did you noobs XD

Was harald hardrada in the Battle of Hastings?

Harald Hardrada wasn't in the battle of Hastings. He was in the battle of Gate Fulford and Stamford Bridge, he was defeated at Stamford Bridge by Harold Godwinsson; Harald Hardrada was hit in the neck with an arrow and then attacked by 3 English troops. Harold Godwinnson was defeated at the Battle of Hastings by possibly an arrow to the eye, or being hacked down by Norman Cavalry.

Stamford Bridge were William fought Harold?

No, that was Harold fighting his brother Tostig and Harald Hardrada at Stamford Bridge near York in 1066.

When did Harald Hardrada die?

He died on September 24th 1066 in the battle of Stamford Bridge, Yorkshire.

Where did harald hardrada land in England?

York. North West England. He then fought Harold Godwinson at nearby Stamford Bridge. KnowItAllGinga

What were the consequences of the battle of Stanford bridge?

at stamford bridge Harold and Harald hardrada fought together then Harold won that fight

Was Harald Hardrada killed in the battle of Stamford Bridge?

yes, got his hed lopped clean off

Who was ivolved in the battle of stamford bridge?

The English King at that time,Harold Gowinson, and Harald Hardrada of Norway.

What was Harold hadrada occupation?

Harald Hardrada, (real name Harald Sigurdsson), was King of Norway until he died at the Battle of Stamford Bridge.

What happened to Harald Hardrada's Army?

Most men were killed in the battle of Stamford bridge .the rest were aloud to return

How did harald hadraada control England after the Battle of Hastings?

Harald Hardrada died at the battle of Stamford Bridge a few weeks before the battle of Hastings.

Where was the battle of stamford bridge?

Stamford Bridge, Yorkshire, England between English forces commanded by King Harold and the invasion force of Harald Hardrada of Norway.