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The French and Spanish because they held grudges against England and saw the opportunity to hurt England.

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Q: Who supported the colonists in the war and why?
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What did the colonists do in the Revolutionary War?

supported the British

Who supported the colonists in the Revolutionary War?

The French

Who supported the british in the French and Indian War?

the colonists supported the british

The colonist who supported the war for Independence were called what?

The colonists who supported the war for independence against Great Britain were called Patriots. Those who didn't support the war were called Tories or Loyalists.

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At the time of the Revolutionary War about how many of the colonists supported the British crown?

one third

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What describes American colonists who supported the British during the Revolutionary war who had fled to England?


What describes American colonists who supported the British during the revolutionary war and who had fled to England?


What is the porportion of Americans that suported the revoultionary war?

40 to 45 percent of colonists were Patriots, colonists who supported the Revolutionary War. 20 to 30 percent were Loyalists, colonists who wanted to remain loyal to Great Britain. The rest were neutral.

Which of the following describes American colonists who supported the British during the Revolutionary War and who had fled to England?


What was the name for the colonists who supported Britain?

They were known as Loyalists, and more frequently as Tories (plural of Tory).