this is a complex question. i supported the vietnamese with the possibility of losing my life. we defeated the north vietnamese army in 1968 and could have walked into hanoi and accepted the keys. they don't tell you this in political terms. the US Army never gets beat. the politicians get beat. or. the politicians tie the armys hands so they cannot be effective. so i say to anyone who can read these words never blame the army. the army will win.
In the Vietnam War:
* China rand Russia (and their allies) supported the North Vietnamese * The United States of America succeeded the French in supporting the South Vietnamese
US/Australia/New Zealand/Thailand/South Korea/Philippines supported South VN; Red China/USSR supported North VN.
The United States Supported South Vietnam.
The Vietnam War was the only time that the communists defeated an American supported free nation (South Vietnam).
The communist superpowers supported the north with war material. The US supported the south with men & material. Reason: Cold War.
doves believed the Vietnam's conflict was localized civil war and disagreed with Johnson war policy, but Hawks supported his felt Vietnam a crucial front in the war
South Vietnam, supported by the United States, Korea, and Australia's military.
The Vietnam war is also called the Second Indochina War. The war was fought by between North Vietnam who were supported by China and Soviet Union and South Vietnam which was supported by the United States.
The United States Supported South Vietnam.
The Vietnam War was the only time that the communists defeated an American supported free nation (South Vietnam).
There were drafted hippies in the infantry in Vietnam; they were good men.
The counter-culture was a group of people who supported anti-war demostrations, including the Vietnam war :)
The people who supported the Vietnam War were commonly knowns as hawks.
The communist superpowers supported the north with war material. The US supported the south with men & material. Reason: Cold War.
doves believed the Vietnam's conflict was localized civil war and disagreed with Johnson war policy, but Hawks supported his felt Vietnam a crucial front in the war
Some people supported the Vietnam War because they supported America's resolve not let communism spread. The Cold War policy of America was still in effect during this time.
South Vietnam, supported by the United States, Korea, and Australia's military.
The Vietnam War was primarily fought between North Vietnam, supported by the Soviet Union and China, and South Vietnam, supported by the United States and its allies. The conflict arose out of the division of Vietnam following the First Indochina War and the subsequent Geneva Accords in 1954. The war lasted from 1955 to 1975 and resulted in the reunification of Vietnam under communist rule.
If you're referring to the Vietnam War, then the war was mainly fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was communist, and was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and Cuba. South Vietnam was capitalist, and was supported by the United States, Australia, the Philippines, and South Korea. Vietnam was also invaded and conquered, then colonized, by France in the 1800s.