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Q: Who stated the relationship between bouyant force and weight of displaced fluid?
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Who stated the relationship between bouyant of an object is equal to the weight of displaced fluid?

Archimedes, a Greek mathematician.

Which scientist first stated the relationship between bouyant force and weight of a displaced fluid?

Archimedes was the scientist who first stated the relationship between buoyant force and weight of a displaced fluid. He discovered the principle while trying to determine if a gold crown was made of pure gold.

Which scientist first stated the relationship between buoyant force and weight of a displaced fluid?

Archimedes was the scientist who first stated the principle that the buoyant force acting on an object immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

How are the relations between quantities be stated?

The relations between quantities are stated by multiplicative relationship between the quantities.

Who first stated the relationship between buoyant force and weight?

Archimedes first stated the relationship between buoyant force and weight, known as Archimedes' Principle. He discovered that an object submerged in a fluid experiences an upward force equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces.

Who stated the idea that buoyant force is equal to the weight of the displaced liquid?

According to Archimedes' principle, buoyant force is equal to the weight of the displaced liquid.

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The equation in which the variables appear only to the first power, including in no denominators.

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Johannes Kepler stated the relationship in his third law of planetary motion. This law, formulated in the early 17th century, describes the relationship between a planet's orbital period and its average distance from the sun.

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