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The order of succession to the Presidency is stated in the US constitution; you might say, therefore, that it was started by the Founding Fathers (and probably James Madison in particular, since he was particularly involved in the writing the constitution).

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Q: Who started the tradition of the vice president becoming the president when something happens to the president?
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One responsibility the Vice President has is casting tie breaking votes in the Senate. The Vice President is also responsible for the nation if something happens to the President.

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The main purpose of the VP is to make possible a seamless transition in the government if something happens to the President.

What did you do in 1800 if a president died?

The vice-president becomes the president if the president dies. This was true in 1800 and always since the Constitution was ratified. What has changed is a process for replacing the vice-president if something happens to him.

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The 25th amendment authorizes the president to chose a replacement. Confirmation of both houses is required.