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In Julius Caesar, Antony speaks in blank verse.

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Q: Who speaks in blank verse in Julius Caesar?
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In the tragedy of Julius Caesar shakespeare uses blank verse for?


Was Mark Antony manipulative in Julius Caesar?

yea he was VERY manipulative - manipulated Brutus' thoughts at first by showing his love to Caesar and to made Brutus felt that he was a noble man and should be allowed to speak in the public to praise Caesar. "If I myself, there is no hour fit as Caesar's death hour" - did not give a chance for Cassius to oppose the idea of allowing him to speak at the funeral as he put words into his mouth. "The enemies of Caesar shall say this; Then, in a friend, it is cold modesty. - he manipulated the crowd through his speech. he changed the crowd from the conspirators' supporters into Caesar's supporters, and successfully used the plebeians as his tools to kill the conspirators. In the speech he started off by "Friends, Roman, Countrymen" which was personal and inclusive as it caught the crowd's attention. His whole speech was in verse to lift the crowd to his level which shows that he respects them. He added some phrases to emphasize that he did not want to oppose the commoners, for example "noble Brutus" and "for Brutus' sake" which made the commoners felt like he was allying with them thus listened to his speech instead of "throwing him off stage". He also used a repetition of the words "Caesar" to put the main theme into the plebeians' heads. He also showed respect to the plebeians as he let them to decide whether they wanted him to descend or to read the will which set the scene. He confused the commoners' thoughts towards Caesar as he brought out many evidences to prove that Caesar was not ambitious. He used phrases like "If it were so" to show that he as well doubted what Brutus said in his speech. He used many rhetorical flourish and persuasive skills to manipulate their thoughts, for example by saying "Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept." However he counters all the evidence by saying "And Brutus is an honourable man". He also manipulated their thought by playing on their guilt. He said "You all did love him once, not without cause; What cause withholds you then to mourn for him?" "If you have tears, shed them now"- builds tension He successfully stirred up the crowd, built up their rage and highlighted that in order to take revenge for Caesar, the conspirators must be killed. (also made good use of sibilant and alliteration. He also emphasized that Caesar was not defeated but gave in when he saw his friend was one of them who planned to kill him, which immediately made the crowd think that Brutus is not noble but is a traitor as Antony referred to the act as treason. ....blah blah blah........ - he realised that he cannot receive as much power as what Caesar had so he decided to manipulated Octavius (who was the great nephew of Caesar) and Lepidus ...

What is the other variation for the verse 1 of the the star spangled banner?

There are no other variations for verse one of the Star Spangled Banner.

What is the affliction of Egypt that this verse is referring to?

first of all you should probably display what verse you are talking about so that people can actually answer it.

What chapter and verse in the bible the page where it says the world is going to end May 21?

There is no verse that says this, in fact, it says that no one will know the day or the hour of Christ's return.

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In the tragedy of Julius Caesar shakespeare uses blank verse for?


What kind of diction does Shakespeare use in Julius Caesar?

Shakespeare's diction was blank verse, rhyme and prose.

Does Bottom or Titania use blank verse?

Bottom uses prose while Titania uses blank verse in William Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Blank verse is often associated with the nobility or characters of higher social standing in Shakespeare's works, while prose is used for characters of lower status or for more casual speech.

Why do you think Romeo does not speak in blank verse in the conversation with his friends?

Romeo doesn't speak in blank verse because he is in an excited and emotional state after meeting Juliet. His dialogue with his friends is informal and reflects his heightened emotions, so he speaks in prose instead of the more structured blank verse.

What does the term blank verse mean?

Blank verse is unrhymed verse typically in iambic pentameter. It is commonly used in English poetry and drama, including works by Shakespeare and Milton. The lack of rhyme scheme in blank verse allows for a more natural and conversational flow of speech.

How can you tell the act one is written in blank verse in Julius Caesar?

You can always tell when Shakespeare is writing in verse. When he is writing in prose, the paragraphs look like this, with the sentences wrapped around to the next line without a capital. Paragraphs of prose look like big blocks of text. The situation differs much with blank Verse which is written in this way. All lines start in a capital but that Does not mean every sentence is a line. Some sentences in Shakespeare's verse Do not end where the lines end. This can be Another sign the lines are all in verse.

What does blank verse not have?

Blank verse does not have rhymes.

What characters speak in blank verse?

Shakespeare had most of his characters speak in blank verse. He went into prose when the characters were of a lower class, or where the character is comic. For example, the Porter in Macbeth speaks in prose, when the rest speak in verse. The witches have a tendency to rhyme as well.

What is a blank verse poem?

Blank verse is poetry written in un rhymed iambic pentameter.

What does not appear in blank verse?

Rhyme does not appear in blank verse. Blank verse is a form of poetry that does not have a rhyme scheme, but has a consistent meter, often iambic pentameter.