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Gouverneur Morris

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Q: Who said this generation will die away and give place to a race of Americans?
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This generation will die away and give place to a race of Americans?

This was a statement made by Governor Robert Morris in a letter to John Jay written January 10, 1784. He was expressing the natural progression of nationalism in the American colonies.

Why did congress sell and give away western lands after the war?

to reward native americans

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Council Bluffs

What name did Lewis and Clark give to the place where they had first council with the native Americans?

Council Bluffs

What habitat do the American robins give birth?

Trees, or in a place away from predators.

What is Girl's generation's emails?

They doesnt give answer .... SMTOWN , dont give Girls' Generation their emails to sones .

Where can i call or go to give my children for adoption right away?

The place you have to start with is the local social work department before you are trying to give away your child. Then the local agency will start the process for you.

Why did the Native Americans hate the Americans in the 1800s?

Americans took Native American lands away from them and forced them to move west to the worst lands. They took Native American children away from their parents and put them in schools taking away the Native American languages and culture. They gave them blankets infected with small pox which killed thousands.

What is that place where parents give away their child?

You can contact a adoption agency or call the social service centre.

What are the characteristics of folk?

Folk dance characteristics: -differed from place to place. - give pleasure to dancers and audiences. --reflects cultures introduced by invaders and conquerors -provided socialization and a sense of community. -passed down from generation to generation. -some groups have a repertory of dances. -sometimes done on specific occasions, social gatherings, and festivals.

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What are the characteristics of folk dance?

Folk dance characteristics: -differed from place to place. - give pleasure to dancers and audiences. --reflects cultures introduced by invaders and conquerors -provided socialization and a sense of community. -passed down from generation to generation. -some groups have a repertory of dances. -sometimes done on specific occasions, social gatherings, and festivals.