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Many scientists believe that everything is made of atoms.

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8y ago

Two who said that everything is made of atoms are Leucippus of Miletus and Democritus of Abdera.

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Which contain a nucleus?

an atom, everything is made of atoms, so everything...

What is what everything is made of the smallest unit of an element?

an atom

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Substance from which everything is made?

basically there is no common substance from which everything is made.. if ur question is changed to " what are most of the things made of.." then its carbon.

What is a that is the building block of matter?

an atom because everything is made up of atoms!

Why was there a long time between the original idea of atoms and the discovery?

Democritus just said that everything can not be cut down forever, and everything is made of a basic thing. He also coined the word "atom". He had no way of proving it. His ideas were also put down by Aristotle, and were forgotten about. Even Dalton just made hypotheses. The atom is too tiny to see with average instruments. There was nothing to prove it with.

Where can you find an atom?

in anything around you!! everything is made up of atoms, even the air!

What is an atomic atom?

It's what everything in this world is made up of. It makes up matter.

What is a particle that is the building block of matter?

an atom because everything is made up of atoms!

Who said all elements are made of atoms?

An atom is the smallest unit of any element.

What is a sentence with matter and atom in it?

"Even atoms are made of matter," said Mrs. Taylor.

What is everything made of and is the smallest of units of an element?

Everything is made of atoms, which are the smallest units of an element. Atoms are composed of even smaller particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons.