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Q: Who said government is a contract between rulers and the people?
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What type of political system (government) existed under feudalism?

It was a "this for that" system. Rulers gave their people protection, and the people gave the rulers crops.... that sort of thing.

Which of the following is true about government with absolute power?

The rulers use fear to maintain control over the people

What important people lived in Maryland when it was a colony?

Lord Baltimore also known as George Calvert, and his son, Cecilius were rulers, of the government or something

What is the form of government in yuan dynasty?

Monarchy they had absolute rulers

What government did the greco roman cultures developed?

The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.The form of government that the Greco/Roman cultures developed was a type of government where the citizens selected their rulers and officials to act for them. It was called democracy. Our own government is based on these ancient concepts, but with modern refinements.

Related questions

Which philosopher explained government as a social contract between people and the rulers?

The philosopher who explained government as a social contract between people and rulers is Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In his work "The Social Contract," Rousseau argued that individuals come together in a common political society and agree to abide by the general will of the community for the greater good and protection of all.

What philosopher explains government as a social contract between people and their rulers?

John Locke, Thomas Hobbs, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau spoke of a social contract.

What philosopher and author believed government was a contract between rulers and the ruled?

John locke

What philosopher explained government as a social contract between people and their rules?

The philosopher who explained government as a social contract between people and their rulers was Thomas Hobbes. He believed that individuals come together and create a government to maintain social order and prevent a state of nature where life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."

How is the government and social contract connected?

The government and social contract are connected in that the social contract theory posits that individuals consent to give up some freedoms in exchange for protection and support from the government. This agreement establishes the foundation for the relationship between citizens and their government, with the government expected to uphold its responsibilities in providing security and services while citizens obey the laws and contribute to society.

What is an agreement between citizens and rulers defining the rights and responsibilities of each group?

Social contract

What is a form of government in which the people select their rulers?

This is a democracy.

Is an agreement between citizens and rulers defining the rights and responsibilities of each group?

Social contract

What is a type of government in which rulers are not held responsible to the will of the people?


What is the form of government in which people select their rulers called?


How did john Locke's views of government differ from Thomas hobbes?

John Locke believed in a government that is based on the consent of the governed and that protects people's natural rights to life, liberty, and property. He saw the government as a contract between the people and rulers. Thomas Hobbes, on the other hand, believed in a powerful central authority to maintain order and prevent chaos, viewing the government as necessary to control humanity's inherently selfish and brutish nature.

Who did Rousseau believed rulers got their authority?

Rousseau believed that rulers obtained their authority from the people, through a social contract where individuals willingly give up some freedom to form a government that serves the common good. He argued that legitimate authority is derived from the consent of the governed, not from divine right or inheritance.