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i think its Andrew Jackson

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Q: Who said South Carolina must pay tariff?
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What was the cause of South Carolina seceding from the Union in December of 1860?

South Carolina never seceded, or it would not be a state today. However, towards the end of J. Q. Adams' presidency, Congress passed what is known as "Tariff of Abominations". The South hated this, because it caused less profit for them. South Carolina completely disregarded the tariff. South Carolina also said that if force is applied on the state, that they would secede from the union. Hope this helps! Source: History Class + Did a 4 page report on this topic.

When was South Australia discovered?

Various early Dutch explorers ventured into South Australia's western coastline during the 1600s. South Australia could be said to have been discovered in 1627, when Thijssen recorded the first observations of the South Australian coast. The main explorer credited with charting the South Australian coastline and naming numerous points was Matthew Flinders, in 1802. At the same time, French explorer Nicolas Baudin was charting the coastline of what is now South Australia.

What efforts does Benjamin Franklin make to become more orderly?

if you are using the South Carolina prentice all literature book its on page 145 im trying to find it also :( but that's where its said to be

How did Lincoln try to reassure the South in his First Inaugural Address?

Lincoln tried to reassure the South in his First Inaugural Address by ensuring the South that he had no intention of abolishing slavery there, but he spoke forcefully against secession. He also said that the North and the South are friends and they must not be enemies. Lincoln also promised to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act.

What is the purpose for the guilford courthouse war?

The Guilford Courthouse Battle, which took place in Guilford County, North Carolina, was a decisive battle in the American Revolutionary War-this can be said to have been its ultimate purpose. Before this battle, the British had conquered Georgia and South Carolina and thus, had thought it would be easy to conquer North Carolina as well. Though the British won the battle, it would prove devastating as it depleted their resources and their fighting power, as they lost many men.

Related questions

What southern state said they would not obey federal tariff laws?

South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification, November 24, 1832

What was South Carolina's reaction to the tariff of 1832?

South Carolina strongly opposed this Tariff! They proceeded to create an ordinance of Nullification, deeming the Tariff and it's preceding tariff unconstitutional and not applying to South Carolina.

Explain the events that led to the nullification crisis and explain how the crisis came to an end. consider the issues of tarrifs and states rights in your response?

The nullification crisis was triggered by the Tariff of 1828, which Southern states viewed as favoring Northern industrial interests at the expense of Southern agricultural interests. South Carolina argued that states had the right to nullify federal laws they deemed unconstitutional. The crisis ended through a compromise in 1833, where Congress passed the compromise tariff that lowered the duties, and South Carolina withdrew its nullification of the 1828 tariff. This crisis highlighted the tension between states' rights and federal authority.

What did Andrew Jackson do when South Carolina said that they were going to secede from the union?

Jackson was enraged. He said to the South Carolina congressman that if the state's leaders disobeyed state laws, he would "hang the first man he got his hands on". after he ran for reelection, he enforced the idea that he would have to force everyone to obey federal laws and the Union was preserved. Resource:

What was the cause of South Carolina seceding from the Union in December of 1860?

South Carolina never seceded, or it would not be a state today. However, towards the end of J. Q. Adams' presidency, Congress passed what is known as "Tariff of Abominations". The South hated this, because it caused less profit for them. South Carolina completely disregarded the tariff. South Carolina also said that if force is applied on the state, that they would secede from the union. Hope this helps! Source: History Class + Did a 4 page report on this topic.

Which 3 presidents were born in North Carolina one of these preidents was said to be born on the border between north and South Carolina?

James K. Polk and Andrew Johnson were born in North Carolina, Andrew Jackson was born in South Carolina.

Why is milk South Carolina's state drink?

Because the state legislature said so.

Did president Andrew Jackson live in South Carolina at anytime?

Probably. He always said he was born there.

Was there any sentiment that South Carolina was continuing the American Revolutionary War by seceding from the US?

In December of 1860, the state of South Carolina seceded from the US. There was a degree of sentiment that South Carolina was simply extending the American Revolution. A prominent newspaper in South Carolina said in so many words, that the tea was again being thrown overboard and the Revolutionary War was continuing. The reference to the tea being thrown overboard was to link the Boston Tea Party to South Carolina's rebellion.

Who said 'you lie' to President Obama during his health care speech?

Representative Joe Wilson, Republican of South Carolina

What did South Carolina and other southern states say about a republican victory in 1860?

They said in a very loud voice Secede.

What was the theory promoted by John C Calhoun and other South Carolinians that said states had the right to disregard federal laws to which they objected?

Theory of Nullification The South Carolina Eposition