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Oliver Cromwell, who was a kind of dictator after the Parliament rebellion, the civil war and killing Charles I Stuart.

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Q: Who ruled England when their was no monarch?
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Was not a monarch but ruled England as a military dictator.?

Oliver Cromwell

Who was not monarch but ruled England as a military dictator?

Oliver cromwell

Which monarch ruled England whenjamestown and Plymouth were settled?

King James the first

Who ruled England in 1500?

England was ruled by the Tudors starting in 1485. The first monarch during this time was Henry the 7th who ruled until 1509. The second ruler was Henry the 8th who ruled until 1547.

Who ruled England in 1545?

King Henry VIII was the monarch in 1545.

Which monarch ruled England when Jamestown and Plymouth were settled•Ferdinand•Powhatan• Elizabeth I•James I?

James I

Who ruled England in 1591?

Queen Elizabeth I, the last Tudor monarch, ruled England from 17th November 1558 until her death on 24th March 1603. She was replaced by King James I, the first Stuart Monarch, who reigned until his death on 27th March 1625.

Who is george st pierre's monarch?

GSP is Canadian and Canada still, technically, is ruled my the Queen of England, or the current leader of the Monarchy of England

Were Scotland and England ruled by the same person?

James VI of Scotland became James I of England in 1603 and became the monarch of both countries. The British Royal Family have been the monarchs of both countries since then.

Who was England's monarch in 1897?

Queen Victoria ruled from 20-Jun-1837 to 22-Jan-1901

Why are you a subject of the Queen of England?

Because, as with any country ruled by a monarch, its citizens are 'subject' to the laws of the ruling king or queen.

Who or what is a monarch of England?

A monarch of England is a king or queen of England.