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King Louis XVI and the noblity.

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Eliseo Weimann

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Q: Who resisted the idea of the declaration of the rights of man?
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Who resisted the ideas of the declaration of the rights of man?

King Louis XVI and the noblity.

What declaration of the rights of man?

i really have mo idea what you are talking about.

Both the US declaration of independence and the french declaration of the rights of man emphasized the idea that governments must?

Protect the rights of the people.protect the rights of people

What was the declaration of the man of rights?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man was passed by France's National Constituent Assembly in August 1789. It was fundamental in the French Revolution and the history of human rights.

Difference between Declaration of Rights of Man and declaration of independence?

Declaration of right of man is giving rights to men only. Declaration of independence is giving the right to every person to do as they please.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen stated that?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen stated that?

What was the declaration of the rights of man modeled after?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man was modeled after the Declaration of Independence.

What did the Declaration of Rights of Man establish?

The declaration of the rights of man establishes freedom of religon, speech, and new rights for the people of France.

What is the the french declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen?

The main idea of the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen are that all people regardless of their nationality, race, sex, or other defining characteristics are born with certain rights. These rights should be protected regardless where the individual travels, lives, works, or visits.

How did natural rights influence the french revolution?

Natural rights where the main idea in the "declaration of the rights of man," the primary political document used during the french revolution.

What important document came from the French Revolution?

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

What declaration was based on the Declaration of Independence?

The core idea of the Declaration was written by John Locke and it was that man had natural rights given by God and that men form governments to protect these rights. When a government no longer serves to protect the rights or protect man that they have the right to change the government. Jefferson, then lists, the charges against the King as to why he hasn't proected the rights given by God. The Vietnamese Declaration of Independence was based on the Declaration of Independence in the United States.