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Major General Ambrose Burnside was replaced by Major General Joseph Hooker because of the disastrous Battle of Fredricksburg in December of 1862. Also for the failed attack on Lee's army in early 1863.

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George G. Mead took command of the Army of the Potomac, replacing Joseph Hooker.

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Q: Who replaced General Burnside as the commander of the Army of the Potomac?
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When was the command of the Army of the Potomac handed over to US General Ambrose Burnside?

On November 7, 1862, General Burnside took command of the Army of the Potomac. He had replaced General George B. McClellan.

What general replaced General George B McClellan after he delayed an attack on Robert E Lee after the Battle of Antietam?

After Antietam (Sept 17, 1862) when McClellan once again believed he needed time for his troops to rest. President Lincoln replaced him (on Nov 7) with General Ambrose Burnside. That was the end of McClellan's service as a Union military leader. As an aside, General Burnside felt uncomfortable replacing George B. McClellan. He had been loyal to him, also, he was not sure the command of the Army of the Potomac would be a fit for his abilities.

Who did Lincoln replace George b McClellan with?

On March 11, 1862, Lincoln relieved McClellan as General-in-Chief and took direct command of the Union armies. On November 2, 1862, Lincoln named Ambrose E. Burnside as Commander of the Army of the Potomac, replacing McClellan.

Why did General Lee expect to see the Union's plans set by General McClellan change under General Burnside?

Once General George B. McClellan was replaced by General Ambrose Burnside, it was clear to General Lee that McClellan's plans for cutting off Lee from Richmond would be altered.President Lincoln had hand picked Ambrose Burnside to replace McClellan as the commander of the Army of the Potomac. Since Lincoln was focused on the capture of Richmond, more than anything else, Burnside would follow Lincoln's preference to attack the Rebel cap[ital of Richmond. Burnside as Lee predicted shifted the Army of the Potomac to the favorite overland route to Richmond, with Fredericksburg as his first objective. Burnside planned to prevent Lee from moving south to protect Richmond.

Why was Union Major General Joesph Hooker a good choice to replace Major General Burnside as commander of the Army of the Potomac?

Union General Joseph Hooker had replaced General Burnside as commander of the Army of the Potomac. His first operation in early April of 1863 was to take the offensive against General Lee. Hooker intended to outflank Lee, reach the rear of Lee's army and force Lee to take the tactical offensive to save his army from disaster. Lee had always preferred taking the tactical defensive, especially when he was outnumbered. He dis this at the Battle of Antietam in 1862.

Related questions

When was the command of the Army of the Potomac handed over to US General Ambrose Burnside?

On November 7, 1862, General Burnside took command of the Army of the Potomac. He had replaced General George B. McClellan.

This general replaced General Burnside as the commander of the Army of the Potomac after the Battle of Fredericksburg?

Major General Joseph "Fighting Joe" Hooker succeeded General Burnside as the commander of the Army of the Potomac. Hooker was the third general Lincoln had as the leader of the North's premier army.

Did general grant replaced McClellan as head of the union army?

No. McClellan was Commander of the Department of the Ohio, Commander of the Department of the East before being promoted to General in Chief and Commander of the Army of the Potomac. He was replaced as Commander of the Department of the Ohio by Ormsby M. Mitchel. He was replaced as Commander of the East and General in Cheif by Henry Halleck and replaced as Commander of the Army of the Potomac by Ambrose E. Burnside.

Who replaced Joseph Hooker as commander of the Army of the Potomac?

US President Lincoln replaced General Hooker with General George Meade as commander of the Army of the Potomac. He won the Battle of Gettysburg.

Who did Lincoln replace after a poorly planned attack on Fredericksburg?

After the poorly planned attack on Fredericksburg during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln replaced Union General Ambrose Burnside as the commander of the Army of the Potomac. Burnside's failed strategy and high casualties led to the decision to find a new leader for the Union forces.

What side did Ambrose Burnside fight for in the US Civil War?

General Ambrose E. Burnside had just been named by Lincoln as the general in charge of the Army of the Potomac. Burnside replaced the former head of this army, General George B. McClellan.

Who became the union commander for the Battle of Fredericksburg?

Major General Ambrose E. Burnside was assigned to the command of The Army of the Potomac on November 7th, 1862, and led that army at the Battle of Fredericksburg. He replaced George B. McClellan.

Who was the commander of the army of the potomac?

There were five: McDowell McClellan Burnside Hooker Meade

What general replaced General George B McClellan after he delayed an attack on Robert E Lee after the Battle of Antietam?

After Antietam (Sept 17, 1862) when McClellan once again believed he needed time for his troops to rest. President Lincoln replaced him (on Nov 7) with General Ambrose Burnside. That was the end of McClellan's service as a Union military leader. As an aside, General Burnside felt uncomfortable replacing George B. McClellan. He had been loyal to him, also, he was not sure the command of the Army of the Potomac would be a fit for his abilities.

Who did Lincoln replace George b McClellan with?

On March 11, 1862, Lincoln relieved McClellan as General-in-Chief and took direct command of the Union armies. On November 2, 1862, Lincoln named Ambrose E. Burnside as Commander of the Army of the Potomac, replacing McClellan.

Why did General Lee expect to see the Union's plans set by General McClellan change under General Burnside?

Once General George B. McClellan was replaced by General Ambrose Burnside, it was clear to General Lee that McClellan's plans for cutting off Lee from Richmond would be altered.President Lincoln had hand picked Ambrose Burnside to replace McClellan as the commander of the Army of the Potomac. Since Lincoln was focused on the capture of Richmond, more than anything else, Burnside would follow Lincoln's preference to attack the Rebel cap[ital of Richmond. Burnside as Lee predicted shifted the Army of the Potomac to the favorite overland route to Richmond, with Fredericksburg as his first objective. Burnside planned to prevent Lee from moving south to protect Richmond.

Why was Union Major General Joesph Hooker a good choice to replace Major General Burnside as commander of the Army of the Potomac?

Union General Joseph Hooker had replaced General Burnside as commander of the Army of the Potomac. His first operation in early April of 1863 was to take the offensive against General Lee. Hooker intended to outflank Lee, reach the rear of Lee's army and force Lee to take the tactical offensive to save his army from disaster. Lee had always preferred taking the tactical defensive, especially when he was outnumbered. He dis this at the Battle of Antietam in 1862.