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Q: Who reformed Rome in the 3rd century CE and saved it from decline?
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What was one factor of the decline of Rome?


What are ways to decline Rome?

fill out the appropriate paperwork

Which of the following contributed to the decline of rome?

the pax romana

Who was the best emperor of rome?

The best emperor of Rome would probably be Augustus. He was the one who smoothly established a new form of government and in addition, reformed the army and rebuilt the city.

Era of decline upon the collapse of the roman empire is called?

Era of decline upon the collapse of the roman empire is called Fall of Rome

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Who was the Bishop of Rome that twice saved Rome from destruction by barbarian armies in the 5th Century?

I think pope Leo I

What were the main causes of the decline of Rome?

Rome's problems had actually started long before 300. For about a century, crime rates had been rising and poverty had been increasing.

The decline of the Roman republic followed a century of civil wars fought over the question of what?

Power. Who should be the next ruler of Rome.

Which pope saved Rome from the Huns?

Pope Leo saved Rome from the Huns.

The decline of the roman republic followed a century of civil wars fought over the question of?

Over who should become ruler of Rome next.

What was one factor of the decline of Rome?


What are ways to decline Rome?

fill out the appropriate paperwork

Which of the following contributed to the decline of rome?

the pax romana

In this sentence which one is predicate the cackling of geese saved Rome?

subject- CACKLING OF GEESE predicate- SAVED ROME

What were the reformed churches that rejected the Church of Rome called?

They were known as protestants as they protested against the Church.

What group started the migrations that led to Rome's decline?

The Huns

What were two important effects on Rome's decline upon history?
