

Who rediscovered Pompeii?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: Who rediscovered Pompeii?
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Who rediscovered the city of Pompeii?

Domenico Fontana

What year did they find Pompeii in?

It was accidentally rediscovered in 1599.

Was Pompeii founded in 1599?

no pompeii was founded many years before that but after the eruption of mount vesuvius, pompeii was rediscovered in 1599.

When was Pompeii rediscover?

The city of Pompeii, which was buried by a tremendous volcanic eruption from Mt Vesuvius in August of the year AD 79, was rediscovered in 1748.

Who rediscovered Pompeii and how?

It was a chance discovery in 1599 by men digging an underground channel to divert the river Sarno.

When people rediscovered Pompeii where the body's stone?

The bodies were not stone, but they had been covered in ash which then hardened, creating hallows where the bodies were. The people who uncovered Pompeii poured plaster into the holes creating plaster casts.

When did Pompeii become special and why?

It is famous for the 79 CE eruption that buried the Roman town and preserved it perfectly for over 1500 years until it was finally rediscovered.

Why did people forget about Pompeii?

The city of Pompeii was buried under layers of ash and pumice when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD. Over time, the memory of Pompeii faded as it became buried and abandoned. It wasn't until excavations in the 18th century that the city was rediscovered and its significance fully realized.

What is the name of the city that was buried by the volcanic eruption?

According to the History Channel's website, the Roman city of Pompeii was completely buried by the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79 A.D. According to the Ancient History Encyclopedia's website, Pompeii remained buried until it was rediscovered in 1755 A.D. Both of these are good sources if you would like to read more about the ancient city of Pompeii.

How long was the city Pompeii hidden for?

Pompeii was buried as a result of a two day eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, and accidentally rediscovered in 1748. It seems that excavations have been going on since the 1750's through the 1860's... so at least more than 100 years. So the answer is that Pompeii was buried for approximately 1700 years.

What did the archeologists find in pompeii after pliny the younger?

Archaeologists did not find anything after Pliny the Younger. Pliny the Younger only described the eruption of Mount Vesuvius when it happened in 79. Pompeii was first discovered in 1599 during works to divert a local river, but the uncovered areas were covered again. Pompeii was rediscovered again in 1748 and the first archaeological excavations started in 1764.

Did Mt Vesuvius destroy Pompeii?

Yes it did. In 79 AD the eruption of Valcano Mount Vesuvius completely buried Pompeii and its sister city, Herculaneam. they were accidentally rediscovered over 1,500 years later in 1599 when they were digging sewage lines. Pompeii was buried in ash and herculaneum was covered in boiling mud. in fact, in herculaneum, the people who were trapped in the mud the bodies have disinegrated, leaving plaster like casts in the excact positions that the bodies were when they died.