

Who ran Belzec?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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12y ago

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It was run by the SS, which was part of the German armed forces.

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Q: Who ran Belzec?
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Who was the commander of the concentration camp Belzec?

who ran the German belzec camp

Who was in charge of running Belzec?

Christian Wirth was the commandant of Belzec.

What type of camp was the Belzec camp?

Belzec was an extermination camp.

Who was sent to Belzec?

Jews, Poles, and Roma were sent to Belzec.

What are the dates of operation for belzec camp?

Belzec extermination (death) camp started gassings on 17 March 1942 and ceased to function by 31 December 1942. In that time 434,508 Jews and an unknown number of Gypsies were killed there. It was the deadliest Nazi camp of all. There are only two(!) known survivors. (Note. A small 'ordinary' concentration camp existed at Belzec from 1940-41).

When did Belzec extermination camp end?

Belzec extermination camp ended in 1942.

When was Belzec extermination camp created?

Belzec extermination camp was created in 1942.

When was belzec liberated?

Belzec was destroyed by the SS in 1943 when it had served its purpose and was never liberated.

How many Germans worked at Belzec?

The link below even gives the names of the German guards at Belzec.

Where is Belzec located?

Belzec is in SE Poland, near the border with Ukraine. It is about 70 miles SE of Lublin.

How many people died in the captivity of the Belzec Concentration Camp?

525,000 people died in Belzec Concentration Camp.

When was Belzec in operation?

Belzec was in operation from March-December, 1942. In that short period 434,508 Jews were killed there and an unknown number of gypsies.