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Ariadne, Princess of Crete.

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Q: Who provided Theseus with a weapon of thread to kill minotaur?
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Who provide theseus with a weapon and a thread to help him kill the minotaur?

The princess Ariadne helped Theseus.

Who provided Theseus the weapon to help him kill the Minotaur?

King Minos's daughter, Princess Ariadne of Crete.

What is the Greek hero Theseus weapon called?

A bow and arrow

Why does Grover say he retrived the Minotaur horn?

Grover retrieved the minotaur horn because Percy has saved his life so the least he could do was give him his first 'spoil of war' and his first weapon.

WHo provided the weapon for the first American Unit?


Who provided the weapon for the first American units?


Is it illegal to own a replica weapon in Oregon?

Provided that it cannot fire, and that it is not 'brandished' or displayed in the manner that a real weapon would be used, no.

Is the SKS legal in Virginia?

Yes, it is, provided the weapon itself is compliant with state and federal laws (such as 922r).

How do you make your weapon special in oblivion?

There are two ways to get your weapon enchanted or "special." The sigil stones you get from closing oblivion gates have two enchantments on them: an offesive one for your weapon or a defensive one for your armor. If you are the Arch-Mage, then you can use the Altar of Enchanting to enchant your weapon, provided you have a filled soul gem available.

What is the caliber of model 269838?

Should be marked on the weapon. If not, go to a gunsmith. No way to identify from just the number you provided.

What kind of weapon did the French use in the American Revolution?

They used the same weapon that they provided to the Continental Army, it was the .69 caliber Charleville Musket, Model 1766 which was in service until around 1840.

Can you own a fully automatic weapon in Kansas?

Yes, provided everything's been done in accordance with state and federal law.