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Muthulakshmi reddy...from pudukottai district (TN)

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Q: Who protested against Devadasi system?
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When was Devadasi system abolished?


Who protested against wars?

Over the centuries many people have protested against wars.

What actors and actresses appeared in Devadasi - 1978?

The cast of Devadasi - 1978 includes: Pandharibai

A Christian who protested against the Catholic Church?

Martin Luther was the one who protested against the catholic church (pope) for selling indulgences.

How would you used protestant in a sentence?

Martin Luther protested against church abuses.

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They have protested against misrepresentations of people of color.

What did the colonists protes t against?

They protested violentely against birtish taxes

Who protested against the stamp act?

Benjamin Franklin

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What Nelson Mandela did to get in jail?

He protested against the National Party wich was against the law.

Are there any religious people who have protested against war?

Most religious people were (and are) against war.

In the Reformation who protested Catholic indulgences and began the Reformation?

Martin Luther protested against the nature of penance, the authority of the pope and the usefulness of indulgences.