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No one played the Trojan horse against the Athenians. They are greek

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Q: Who played the Trojan horse trick on the Athenians?
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What famous trick played on the Trojans during the Trojan war is Odysseus famous for?

The Trojan Horse.

What was the use of the Trojan horse?

The whole point was to trick the romans, I think...

How did Odysseus win the Trojan War for the Greek army?

With his Trojan Horse trick to gain entry to the impregnable city walls.

What does to work like a Trojan horse mean?

it means to work like a clever trick

How Trojan horse virus occurs?

A Trojan horse virus occurs in infected documents, programs and executable files. They appear as something you would be familiar with so as to trick you into opening the file.

What did Athena do to help Odysseus in the Trojan war?

She built the big hollow horse they used to trick Troy.

What did the Greeks plan to do in order to trick the Trojans?

The Greeks his soldiers in a wooden horse (Trojan horse) and gave it to the Trojans as a gift to get Helen back.

What is the Trojan horse trick?

During the Trojan War, the Trojans "admitted defeat" and sent a "peace gift" of a beautiful, huge wooden horse to the Greeks' camp; but the Greeks didn't know that the horse was hollow and that the Trojans were hiding inside of it, ready to attack them.

What prophecys did cassandra make about the Trojan war?

she saw that some of their attacks were wrong, she knew that they were going to loose-she knew that the wooden horse was a trick

Why did they call it a Trojan Virus?

They call it a Trojan Virus because during the Trojan War in Greece, the Trojans created a wooden horse to trick their enemies, the Greeks. The horse is a gift from the Sea God, Poseidon. Seeing this, they marveled and took it inside their walls, then, in the dead of night, the Trojans, who were in the horse, attacked Greece, causing the fall of that city. The Trojan Virus does the same thing, it looks like something you might be interested in, but really, it's a virus. Hence the name "Trojan" because they invaded using a horse. It looked like one thing, but was another.

What was lacoons advice?

Laocoon's advice was to not trust the Trojan Horse left by the Greeks outside the walls of Troy. He warned the Trojans that the horse was a trick and would lead to their downfall if brought inside the city.

Why in computing a Trojan is called a Trojan when in reality it should be called a greek. as it was the greeks that hid inside the Trojan horse?

When the Greeks left the wooden horse outside Troy they also left the spy Sinon to be captured by the Trojan forces. Sinon explained to the Trojans that the horse was a charm to get the Greek ships home safely, and that if the Trojans could take the horse inside their city it would protect Troy from future Greek attack. The idea was that the Trojan's claimed the horse as a gift, hoping to benefit from it; but this was what led to the fall of their city. A virus which describes itself as an app plays the same trick: it looks like a gift, but in fact is a poison. So Trojan is the correct term.