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Q: Who planed the steps for the burial of pete-ho-tep Egypt game?
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What are the steps of a grain farmer in ancient Egypt?

i don't know ! thats why i asked !

What does mummifacation mean?

Mummification is from ancient Egypt. It was when you had to do all the disgusting steps to making a mummy.

Why do you think Amenhotep attempted to introduce monotheism versus polytheism in ancient Egypt?

Amenhotep IV took decisive steps to establish the Aten as the exclusive, monotheistic god of Egypt

How were King Tutankhamun's remains found?

His remains are still in his sarcophagus in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. I've been to where the remains are and they are still in his sarcophagus in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. I have been there and it is tomb No. 62

What were two steps that the Israelites took to gain independence?

They left egypt and they crossed the red sea and the travelled the desert for forty years

Did the great pyramid have steps?

The Great Pyramid of Giza is an important symbol of Ancient Egypt. It has 203 steps to it's summit.

How do you arrange a funeral?

There are a few steps that need to be taken when one makes funeral plans. One should consider how much one costs, and if they want a burial, they may need to reserve a spot at a cemetery.

What is the mummification ceremony?

The mummification ceremony was a ritual performed in ancient Egypt to preserve the bodies of the deceased. It involved several steps, including washing the body with wine or a solution of natron, removing the internal organs, and drying the body with natron. Afterward, the body was wrapped in linen bandages and placed in a sarcophagus or coffin for burial.

What steps does Egypt have to take to qualify for the HIPC initiative?

I'm pretty sure we aren't allowed to do that, its a tough question, but I'm pretty sure this is considered cheating

How long does it take for carbon to become a fossil fuel How many steps are involved?

It takes millions of years for carbon to become a fossil fuel. The process involves several steps, including the decomposition of organic matter, burial under layers of sediment, and transformation under high pressure and temperature into coal, oil, or natural gas.

Why was writing important to the development of Egypt?

The Egyptians in the Nile River valley developed writing about 100 to 200 years responsible for the major steps in the development of writing is not known.