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Q: Who perfected the catapult and how?
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What is a sentence for perfected?

Perfected means made perfect. Here are some sentences.He has perfected the art of cheesecake baking.She worked hard and perfected her tennis swing.Our company perfected their sales technique.

Is it chapolt or catapult?


How do you make a catapult?

you make a catapult!

What is the best type of catapult?

A Trebuchet Catapult

What is the noun form of Catapult?

Catapult is a noun.

Where was the catapult used in war?

where was the catapult used

Who perfected the trumpet?

the trumpet was not perfected by one person. it was perfected over many years by many inventors

Is a mangonel a catapult or a bridgew?

A mangonel is a kind of catapult.

Is a mangonel a catapult or a bridge?

A mangonel is a catapult, not a bridge.

How do you increase the accuracy of a catapult?

how did you incresed the accuacy of your catapult

When was the Rocket Catapult invented?

Who invented the rocket Catapult

How do the Romans use the catapult?

They used the catapult for war.