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whether directly or indirectly the tax payers. Added: The question must be more specific. Depending on their duties some WH staff is paid for out of the President and First Lady's personal accounts and some are paid for by the taxpayers.

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14y ago
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11y ago

They are government employees and draw their paychecks from the US treasury .

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10y ago

You and I and all the other taxpayers.

You may have a different impression now of President Obama's four vacations a year on your dime.

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14y ago

there are none, no mortgage, no nothing

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Q: Who pays the taxes for the White House?
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All the running costs are paid by the state- from the taxes the working people pay.

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We taxpayers pay for concerts in the White House. This is a justifiable expense.

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It is up to the executor of the will to keep taxes, insurance etc. current.

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The taxpayers?

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All members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are paid in full by the U.S. Treasury, which ultimately gets its money from the tax payers.

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The president

Does a renter of a house have to pay property taxes on it?

The answer technically is "NO" because the owner of the house pays the taxes. However, if it is stated in the lease that the renter signs, and the owner charges the property taxes, the answer would be yes. But, technically the owner legally pays property taxes on their home. If a renter signs a lease with this worded as such, the owner is scamming you and your rent will be higher than it should be. Do not sign it!

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is there an age limit on who pays fica taxes

Who pays taxes if house is in a family members name?

Hopefully, this is one thing that you would have agreed upon when you made this living arrangement or have put it into a written lease. The government will be glad to accept the taxes from whoever pays them. If nobody pays them, penalties and interest are added to the taxes. And if it lasts long enough, the house will be sold at a tax sale and all of you will lose the house.Unless the person who owns the house WANTS to lose the house, he or she should make sure the taxes are paid. You can decide among yourselves who is going to do it.Note: The legal or beneficial owner is the only one who can take a federal income tax deduction for real estate taxes paid. If someone else pays it, neither party will get to take a deduction.

Who pays the taxes in a lease to own a house situation?

That depends entirely on the lease could be either side.

Who pays supplement property tax?

The buyer does because it is supplementation of difference of the taxes charged from the old price of the house to the new price of the house which was paid by the buyer.

Who pays taxes?

50 % of wage earners pay no taxes!!