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Ben Franklin inspired him to write and to come to America. Whoever wrote that last post is an idiot.

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Q: Who or what inspired Thomas Paine to write?
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Who inspired colonists by publishing a pamphlet called common sense?

Thomas Paine, back in the colonial times.

Why did Thomas Paine's common sense inspired colonist?

Thomas Paine's Common Sense inspired colonists because it talked about opportunities for the common man.

How many books did Thomas Paine write?

Thomas Paine wrote 3 popular books

What did Thomas Paine write in1776?

The Crisis

Did Thomas Jefferson write Common Sense?

No Thomas Paine Wrote It.

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He really liked the bookThomas Paine's Age of Reason...he claimed it inspired him.

How many pamphlets did Thomas Paine write?

Common Sense

Thomas Paine's common sense?

Thomas Paine did write Common Sense. It was first published on January 10th, 1776.

How did Thomas Paine promote American independence?

He inspired Americans to rebel against the British.

What pamphlet did Thomas Paine write?

Common Sense

What did Thomas Paine discover?

Thomas Paine is the author of common sense and only after 3 months he sold alot of books! It even inspired George Washington, to follow independce.

Who inspired Americans?

Many people. Thomas Paine, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson. The Revolution had a lot of people who inspired it, not just one.