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Q: Who obtained power when there was no authority in medieval Europe?
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What was a power the citizens held in the cities of medieval Europe?

The men that held power in towns in medieval times were the bishops, priests, kings, queens, and the landlords.

Where did the real Power lie in medieval Europe's social structure?

With the pope but some power went to the counts as well.

What role did feudalism play in medieval Europe?

If you had land, you had power. The more land you had, the more powerful you became. You could influence the government if you wanted to, with just land.

Was power and authority influential in medieval religious conflicts?

Especially with the conflicts of the medieval period, its difficult to sort the chickens from the eggs. In order to impose a religious faith on others, you'd want a noble with an army behind you. If you're a nobleman seeking power and wanting to have a cause that rallies people willing to get killed in wars, religion can be a good cause to sell.

Why were the territorial powers allowed to decide religion issues in their own realms in medieval Germany?

It wasn't only in medieval Germany that the state was able to interfere in religious matters! From the 3rd, Century in Rome the Emperors used the Bishops of Rome, the Popes, as civil servants and the Church as a dept of state. It happened all over Christian Europe! Why? Because the King, or whoever, tribal chief, had power and needed every help to preserve it. The Church had authority amongst their flock and were prepared to use it to enhance their religion and status.

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The one most powerful individual in Medieval Europe was Charlemagne.

Who had power over a clergy?

Usually there is a hierarchy within the clergy itself for governance. Ultimately, it is the people who support the denomination or sect that have the power. In medieval times in Europe, it was common for the King/Queen to have final authority over the clergy.

What was a power the citizens held in the cities of medieval Europe?

The men that held power in towns in medieval times were the bishops, priests, kings, queens, and the landlords.

Where did the real Power lie in medieval Europe's social structure?

With the pope but some power went to the counts as well.

Which two historical events affected the power of the roman catholic church and contributed to its decline in medieval europe?

In medieval Europe the Roman Catholic Church experienced an affect on its power due to two reasons. The first was the discovery and conquest of the Americas. The second was the Protestant Reformation.

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The theory of justifying a monarch's rule by God's authority is called the Divine Right of Kings. It was a political and religious doctrine that asserted a monarch's legitimacy and absolute authority as being granted by God. This theory was commonly used in Europe during the medieval and early modern periods to support the monarchy's power and to discourage rebellion against the ruler.

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the church

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It decreased the Roman Catholic Church's power and authority.

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What ended the authority of priests and bishops in Europe?

The Renaissance began a process of secularization which has reduced the power of priests and bishops in Europe, although it would be a mistake to say that their power has ended completely. The Roman Catholic Church remains a wealthy and powerful organization with many devoted followers, although it is not the dominant power of Europe that it once was.

What statement about authority and power is true?

Authority is power that is recognized as legitimate...Apex