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The United States' effort to develop a nuclear weapon came during World War II in response to the potential threat of a German nuclear weapon. On 6 December 1941, President Roosevelt appointed a committee to determine if the United States could construct a nuclear weapon. Six months later, the committee gave the President its report, recommending a fast-paced program that would cost up to $100 million and that might produce the weapon by July 1944 (1: 12,13).

The President accepted the committee's recommendation. The effort to construct the weapon was turned over to the War Department, which assigned the task to the Army Corps of Engineers. In September 1942, the Corps of Engineers established the Manhattan Engineer District (MED), under the command of Major General Leslie Groves, to oversee the development of a nuclear weapon. This effort was code named the "Manhattan Project" (1: 13).

During the first 2 years of the Manhattan Project, work proceeded at a slow but steady pace. Significant technical problems had to be solved, and difficulties in the concentration of uranium-235 and production of plutonium, particularly the inability to process large amounts, often frustrated the scientists. Nonetheless, by 1944 sufficient progress had been made to persuade the scientists that their efforts might succeed. A test of the plutonium implosion device was necessary to determine if it would work and what its effects would be. Led by Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, Manhattan Project scientists at Los Alamos Laboratory (later to become the Los Alamos National Laboratory) were "to make preparations for a field test in which blast, earth shock, neutron and gamma radiation would be studied and complete photographic records made of the explosion and any atmospheric phenomena connected with the explosion"

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Q: Who named the trinity project used in the first atomic bombs?
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Is Trinity Site the location of the first atomic bomb testing?

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2 Atomic bombs.Answer:Technically, the allies, specifically the US used three atomic bombs to motivate the Japanese to surrender: Fat Man, Little Boy, and the first bomb detonated, the Trinity Device.

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The creation of the first Atomic bombs during WW2 as part of the Manhattan Project.

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The first atomic bomb was detonated on July 16, 1945, during the Trinity test in New Mexico as part of the Manhattan Project.

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The first atomic explosion occurred on July 16, 1945, as part of the Trinity test in Alamogordo, New Mexico during the Manhattan Project.

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The first atomic bombs were dropped during World War 2, initially as tests by the US government, then dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the only two nuclear devices used as an act of war by any nation. The first atomic bombs were tested on the ground at the Trinity site.

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The first atomic bomb was developed at the Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico, USA during World War II as part of the Manhattan Project. It was tested on July 16, 1945 in the Trinity test in the New Mexico desert before being used in warfare against Japan in August 1945.

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The fissile fuel in the first 3 bombs was:Plutonium, Trinity test, July 16, 1945Uranium, Hiroshima attack, August 6, 1945Plutonium, Nagasaki attack, August 9, 1945Trinity test Gadget: Plutonium. First atomic bomb detonation.Hiroshima Little Boy: 80% enriched Uranium. First atomic bomb used in combat.Take your pick.

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The very first atomic bomb was exploded in a test in the New Mexico desert on July 16, 1945. If you'd like to look up more information about it, you can look up the codename "Trinity".