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In the United States the President makes treaties with the consent of the Senate.

The direct answer to your question is : The Senate gives advice and their consent on US of A treaties.

Read Article II of the Constitution for info on the powers of the Executive branch. It addresses this question wonderfully in Section 2.

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Q: Who must give advice and consent on treaties?
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Which branch gives advice and consent for the treaties?

The Secretary of State typically negotiates treaties. The Senate must ratify any treaty before it become binding.

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The Senate, one of two houses in the Legislative Branch, has the power to give their 'advice and consent' to all Presidential appointments. They also must consent to treaties.

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What branch of government ratifies treaties?

The president can make treaties, but Congress must ratify them.

Which house of Congress approves treaties?

The Senate has the important job of approving treaties made by the president.

Which branch controls negotiate treaties?

The executive branch negotiates treaties. The Senate must approve those treaties. The answer can be found in Article II Section 2 of the US Constitution. It reads: "He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur" (He is referring to the President.)

Can the president of the US change the countrys alliances?

Not by himself. The President has the power to make treaties with the advice and consent of the US Senate and the Senate must approve any treaty with a two-thirds majority before it takes effect.

Does Congress vote on presidential appointments?

Congress, as a whole does not vote on presidential appointments. It is only the Senate that must give its advice and consent to presidential appointments.

Summarize the process by which treaties are negotiated and approved?

The president makes treaties "by and with the Advice and consent of the Senate,...provided two thirds of the Senators present concur." The Senate may accept or reject treaty as it stands, or it may decide to offer amendments, reservations, or understandings to it.

Who must vote for presidential nominees?

Nominees have to receive he Advice and Consent of the Senate.

Can the vice president make treaties with foreign countries?

The US President has the Constitutional authority to make foreign policy, with the advice of the Senate, who must approve all treaties.

Can a mother give the grandmother custody without fathers consent if the father lives in a room does not work and is going out quite frequently to drink?

No. The father must consent.No. The father must consent.No. The father must consent.No. The father must consent.