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Scotch-Irish, German, and English immigrants

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Q: Who moved in greatest numbers into Appalachia as the American Indians of the region were defeated?
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Who moved in the greatest numbers into Appalachia as the American Indians of the region were defeated?

Scotch-Irish, German, and English immigrants

Why were the American Indians defeated?

all are correct

Who is American cavalry officer who died in 1876 after being defeated by Sioux Indians?

George Armstrong Custer.

Indians of Florida who were defeated by Jackson?

The Seminole Indians of Florida were defeated by Andrew Jackson.

Which battles took place in the great lakes region?

The Indians of the Ohio River valley fought against American expansion in the early 1790s and defeated two American armies sent to conquer them. Finally, the United States defeated the Ohio Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794.

Most Native American deaths were caused by?

disease and famine were the greatest tragedies befalling NorthAmerican Indians.

Why General Braddock was defeated by the American Indians and the French?

General Braddock was defeated because he had little experience of war and he was a very stubborn man. When hiss men told him too stop moving towards them he refused and pressured his men to keep going.The American Indians wre hiding in the tree land scape and attacked them surprisingly most of the generals men died

When did the battle of tippecanoe begin?

the battle of Tippecanoe begin in November 7,1811. it was American who was lead by William Henry Harrison against the Shawnee Indians. the Shawnee Indians were defeated by William Henry Harrison and his soldiers.

Who were defeated by aryans in south Asia?

The Indians

What were the Indians placed on after the Indian war was defeated?


Creek Indians migrated to Florida after they were defeated by?

the spanish

Where were the Miami Indians defeated?

i don't know maybe Maimi