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actually nobody should i mean how you gonna know whats gonna happen in the future if it did not happen yet


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John Hay's mom

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Q: Who might agree with john hay's opinion that the spanish American war was a splended little war?
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Who did the us fight in 1898?

Spanish-American War, a 4 to 6 month declared war; nicknamed by the press as the "Splended Little War."

Who might agree with John Hay's opinion that the spanish American war a splendid little war?

John Hay's mom.

What role did the press and public opinion play in the Spanish American War?

The press played a significant role in shaping public opinion and stirring up support for the Spanish-American War through sensationalized stories, known as "yellow journalism." Stories of Spanish atrocities in Cuba fueled American outrage and contributed to the public demand for intervention. The press influenced public sentiment and pushed the government towards war with Spain.

How was the Spanish American War?

It was called a Splendid Little War.

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Bolivian people speak Latin American Spanish which is a little different from Spanish.

Roosevelt described the Spanish-American War as?

A "splendid little war"

Which conflict did john hay the us ambassador to great Britain called a splendid little war?

the spanish-american war.The Spanish-American War

What problems did American soldiers face at the beginning of the Spanish-American War?

American soldiers had little training and few supplies.

What were the problems American soldiers faced at the beginning of the Spanish-American War?

They had little training and few supplies.

How did the Spanish-American War go?

It is often termed a splendid little war.

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What problems did Americans face at the beginning of the Spanish American war?

American soldiers had little training and few supplies.