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Q: Who met in 1529-1536 and passed the suprremacy act?
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Why Britain pass the sugar Act and quartering Act?

Between 1764-1765, the British government passed the Sugar Act, the Quartering Act, and the Stamp Act, which met with hostility in the American colonies.

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In 1964 the civil rights act was passed and in 1965 the voting act passed, but it seems today that many of the reforms are being reversed. It is harder than ever to vote because requirements that the voting act addressed are being rolled back.

Why did grenville propose the sugar act the quartering act and the stamp act?

to support there army with the money from the taxes

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An Act (Act of Parliament) means new legislation that places legal obligations on people to do things. Government Policy is more general and can be related to funding decisions and wider strategy without needing new laws to be passed. Obviously, some policies can only be met if new laws are passed.

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The tax enacted in 1764 to help pay for colonial defense was called the Sugar Act. It was levied on imported goods, such as molasses and sugar, that were commonly used in the colonies. The act was met with resistance from the colonists, who argued that they lacked representation in the British Parliament and should not be subject to taxation without consent.

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