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they were usually paintings of people hunting animals with spears and other tools. they usually told a story. they were the earliest sign of any sort of writing/drawing before hiroglyfics.

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13y ago

Homo sapiens was the first group of humans who painted in caves.

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The earliest ones, found in France, are estimated to be about 30,000 years old. They were created by the Cro-Magnon people of that era.

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my best guess is the paleolithic hominids...

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The pictographs were views of the world they saw and the animals they hunted.

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Q: Who made the first cave paintings?
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What group of people were the first painters?

Cave paintings in France, about 25000 years old, were made by Cro-Magnon people.

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The most likely would be the cave paintings at Lascaux, France.

When were cave paintings made?

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Why did homo-sapiens make cave paintings?

Homo sapiens made cave paintings as a form of communication, storytelling, and possibly for ritualistic or spiritual purposes. These paintings served as a way to document their environment, express their beliefs, and leave a mark for future generations.

The oldest cave paintings known today were made around?

30,000 b.C.e