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Abraham Lincoln.

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Q: Who made the emancipation proclimation?
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When was the emancipation proclimation issued?

That slaves were free!!!!!!!!!!

Who wrote the Emancipation Proclimation?

Abe linclon

Emancipation of Proclamation?

When Lincoln was president, the Emancipation Proclamation was to free all of the slaves in the Confederacy. :)

How was the thirteenth amendment different from the emancipation proclimation?


Why was the emancipation proclimation passed?

the emancipation proclamation was passed by Lincoln in the civil war to free all slaves. it is one of the most famous speeches ever made

When was the emancipation proclimation passed?

it was passed injanuary 1, 1863

What states did the emancipation proclimation not apply to?

Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware.

What does the proclimation do?

The Emancipation Proclamation declared that all slaves were free and that slavery was illegal.

What did the emancipation proclimation proclaim?

All slaves south of the mason-dixon line were free.

Where was the emancipation proclimation signed?

The Emancipation Proclamation was signed in the President's office in front of his cabinet. Lincoln issued it after the Union Victory at the Battle of Antietam and later at the Gettysburg Battlefield.

What was the emancipation proclimation?

It was when President Lincon signed a paper saying that all slaves where now free.

What year was the emancipation proclimation issued?

Who ever said 1865 did not take history it was definitely sometime in January in 1863